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Next Cycle Suggestions

●●●● Next Cycle Ordered ●●●●

TrenE- DragonPharma, Naps

Anavar- Nakon, OSGear

TestCyp- Dragon, Naps

Won't be starting for 4-6 weeks, after it arrives and I'm able to do blood but this will be next cycle.

Never done Tren or Anavar so definitely looking for some guidance. Will do a better job on this log, that's a struggle for me but I will do better, that was my first one.

In the meantime, still on self TRT, well slightly more than trt but thinking about doing back down to last trt dose. 340mg 1x week had me at mid 900s, when I started this last cycle I added 125mg 3.5 days after.

Right now still taking half dose mk677 ed as well. Should I keep that in this cycle or give it a rest? Probably time for a break, been taking it for close to a year str8.

I've only taken sarms and test. Rad140, mk677 and lgd4033.

●What is a good dosage and cycle length for the trenE and var?

●6 weeks or 8?

●If 340 1xweek is my trt dose what should I run for cycle?

●And if I'm splitting the test into 2 doses should I stay splitting them evenly? I've been doing my normal dose (340) on Tues pm and then 125mg Sat am...

●And with these 2 new compounds will my normal 1mg 1xwk armdx be sufficient?
6 weeks on tren
@jj210tx good order I like your style bro smart moves getting gear from sponsors

first can you update your self TRT log? get diet training up , at least training show dedication before cycle bro :)

tren stick to 8 weeks 100mgs/week to start
anavar the same 8 weeks at 50mgs/day but add n2guard for organ liver support
you're doing 340mgs testosterone now? clarify

on the dose always split

arimidex is enough but enough will depend on your doses of test
So on splitting the test dose would you split it evenly?
My normal trt dose that finally leveled out @ 340mg every Tuesday had my levels at high 800s. I then on my own added 125mg 3 days later and that had me @ 960ish... for a total of 465mgs. How would you split that?
●●●● Next Cycle Ordered ●●●●

TrenE- DragonPharma, Naps

Anavar- Nakon, OSGear

TestCyp- Dragon, Naps

Won't be starting for 4-6 weeks, after it arrives and I'm able to do blood but this will be next cycle.

Never done Tren or Anavar so definitely looking for some guidance. Will do a better job on this log, that's a struggle for me but I will do better, that was my first one.

In the meantime, still on self TRT, well slightly more than trt but thinking about doing back down to last trt dose. 340mg 1x week had me at mid 900s, when I started this last cycle I added 125mg 3.5 days after.

Right now still taking half dose mk677 ed as well. Should I keep that in this cycle or give it a rest? Probably time for a break, been taking it for close to a year str8.

I've only taken sarms and test. Rad140, mk677 and lgd4033.

●What is a good dosage and cycle length for the trenE and var?

●6 weeks or 8?

●If 340 1xweek is my trt dose what should I run for cycle?

●And if I'm splitting the test into 2 doses should I stay splitting them evenly? I've been doing my normal dose (340) on Tues pm and then 125mg Sat am...

●And with these 2 new compounds will my normal 1mg 1xwk armdx be sufficient?
I’ve ran the Nakon anavar it’s phenomenal
I want to see your touchdown too :) and @jj210tx keep your log updated meanwhile

did you talk to @OSGear on the forums? they should be shipping
Dude I'm over that log, that cycle is over. I've stopped every compound I was taking except for my normal trt and I'm just letting my organs get healthy for my next one in a month or so. I didn't order from ugfreak bro sorry 🫣 Nothing against them or anything I just went with the best deals I could find at the time for what I was looking for. I've been checking on them though. And no OSGear never responded to my pm on forum but they did respond to my support ticket on their website and tell me that it has shipped but they won't have tracking info until after it clears customs from whatever country it's shipping from..
Dude I'm over that log, that cycle is over. I've stopped every compound I was taking except for my normal trt and I'm just letting my organs get healthy for my next one in a month or so. I didn't order from ugfreak bro sorry 🫣 Nothing against them or anything I just went with the best deals I could find at the time for what I was looking for. I've been checking on them though. And no OSGear never responded to my pm on forum but they did respond to my support ticket on their website and tell me that it has shipped but they won't have tracking info until after it clears customs from whatever country it's shipping from..
@jj210tx i hope you get something from @ugfreak next cycle, para pharma is top quality I'm pumping the winny

and your last log, you can just update your TRT training diet, why not? this helps us work with you and prep you for the cycle, we are your anabolex family bro :) come on share
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