Where to Buy SARMS Online in 2024? Exploring the Top 6 SARMS Companies in the USA

In the evolving market of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs), verifying an online brand’s quality and legitimacy has never been more crucial than today in 2024. The disparity in actual quality between various brands can be like the difference between night and day, impacting everything from the effectiveness of the products to the safety of bros using this stuff. With the SARMs market being completely unregulated at the moment, it is very easy to fall victim to scams of many sorts.

Figuring out if you’ve gotten low-dosed or bunk SARMs can be trickier than with fake steroids because SARMs don’t cause noticeable side effects right away. You might be using bunk or underdosed products, assuming they’re working, without realizing they’re ineffective because you’re not expecting any dramatic changes or immediate effects. This makes it really important to get your SARMs from reliable sources, so you’re sure you’re getting what you paid for. Otherwise, you might waste time and effort on a product that isn’t doing anything for you.

With the market being so saturated with bad players, it makes it really important to have pages like the one you are reading right now that feature SARM source lists and authentic reviews, an important tool for bros looking to buy some stuff for their cycles. Researching SARM source lists such as this one, hosted on reputable websites, is invaluable. Here, you can avoid the clutter of biased and unverified claims. By focusing on verified sources that offer transparent lab results and clear business practices, you’ll be able to make informed decisions in this market fraught with inconsistencies. This curated list of the top 6 SARMs suppliers for 2024 is designed to shed light on brands that promise quality, safety, and efficacy.

Keep reading below to learn who are the top brands in the USA and what real customers have to say about them:

Umbrella Labs

Umbrella Labs has established a strong reputation for delivering high-quality SARMs, peptides, nootropics, and other research chemicals that cater to various health and fitness needs. This lab’s commitment to quality is evident in its thorough third-party testing programs, which ensure each product is pure and dosed consistently. This dedication to quality makes them a trusted dealer for anyone looking for reliable research chemicals. Their extensive product lineup is meticulously curated to include a broad spectrum of drugs, meeting the varied demands of their clientele.


  • Verified high-purity products, available transparent lab results, and a wide variety of products. You will always find what you are looking for, and you can trust it will always be a legitimate product.


  • You’ll pay premium prices for these high-quality products and deal with an occasional stock shortage due to high demand.


  • Umbrella Labs has over 98% positive feedback on the bodybuilding forums, highlighting high customer satisfaction with product effectiveness and delivery speed.

Rcs (Research Chemicals)

Rcs (Research Chemicals) is a brand that stands out in the SARMs market for their commitment to making high-quality products and providing excellent customer service. The laboratory is focused on supplying a diverse array of SARMs and other research chemicals, ensuring each product meets high-quality standards. They staff a dedicated customer service team whose job is to prioritize consumer satisfaction. This approach helps ensure that clients have a reliable, informative, and responsive experience when selecting products suited to their specific research needs or personal health objectives.


  • Competitive pricing means you are always getting a good deal. Detailed product descriptions to help educate researchers.


  • As with the top-tier laboratories on this list, sometimes stock may run low due to demand.


  • Users in the online steroid communities report good experiences with product quality and customer service. Customer reviews on the steroid forums are over 96% positive.

Chemyo Labs

Chemyo Labs became popular for its extensive selection of SARMs, catering to guys looking for variety. However, it seems like people’s experiences with their products have been a bit of a mixed bag lately. While some customers have been satisfied with the quality and results, others have raised concerns about dosing. This suggests that while Chemyo offers a lot of choices under one website, the dosage accuracy can vary widely, so it might be wise to do a bit of digging and read up on user reviews before making a purchase.


  • Wide product selection and responsive customer service.


  • Product potency incidents reported higher than average shipping times. They will not answer customer questions on the forums.


  • Mixed reviews with some reports of unsatisfactory product potency affecting customer trust.


While Swisschems offers many SARMs and other performance enhancers, a lot of users have expressed dissatisfaction across different online forums. Concerns primarily revolve around the authenticity and potency of their products, suggesting that what’s received may not always match what is advertised. Some complaints even allege that their customer service has not adequately addressed these discrepancies, adding to the frustration of their customers. This highlights the importance of carefully researching lists like the one you are reading in order to make the right decision on where to purchase your products to avoid some real disappointment over purchasing fake products.


  • It offers capsules, injectable SARMs, and secure payment options.


  • You will pay higher prices than at any other shop. The store has mixed reviews on product efficacy. Customer concerns posted on the forums go unanswered by this laboratory.


  • Some negative feedback concerning the effectiveness of their formulations and customer service issues.



Melanotanexpress.com offers a broad range of SARMs and Peptides in liquid form, which has made it popular. Still, concerns have been raised about the website’s transparency and product authenticity due to the absence of third-party lab results. The site complicates the shopping experience by not categorizing SARMs separately. It has been criticized for high pricing without evident justification in product quality. Given these issues, buyers might consider looking for more reliable and transparent sources for their SARMs needs.


  • Diverse SARMs product range, and also offering peptides.


  • As it has been reported on the forums, there is a no-return policy and concerns over product authenticity and customer service.


  • Predominantly negative reviews highlighting issues with product authenticity and lack of support.


Many forum members have reported frustrating experiences with Lawlesslabsusa.com, particularly with their complex payment system and how long it takes for items to ship. There’s also a lot of chatter about whether their products work as they should, even when used in large amounts. To make its lousy reputation even worse, the company will not answer customer complaints on the forums, making you wonder about the website’s authenticity. If you are thinking about buying from them, maybe you should look around a bit more and find a supplier with a cleaner track record and better reviews.


  • offer a broad range of SARMs.


  • Accusations of selling counterfeit products, very poor customer service. No communication with buyers on the forums.


  • Overwhelmingly negative reviews, with previous customers advising caution.


When purchasing SARMs, always prioritize suppliers with a strong reputation for quality and safety. Consult user reviews and seek suppliers that provide transparent third-party testing to ensure you receive legitimate and effective products. Always make sure to check for the latest reviews on major online forums like Evolutionary.org, EliteFitness.com, Anabolex.com, IronOverload.Io, and MuscleChemistry.com