You don't want to fluctuate doses during a cycle man. You will just send hormones on a roller coaster, leading to side effects. Just pick a dose and stick with it.
I like SR and GW but don't think you need the Nutrobal. It can increase appetite and you don't need that while cutting. Try some fasting and make sure you are hitting the gym hard.
What are your bloods like when you are off cycle? TRT could be a good option at 55. You could also just try HCGenerate as a natural approach first and see how you do.
They are both really good so it is hard to say. If your sensitivity is due to a specific carrier oil or filler, just check with them on what is used. That could help narrow it down.
If you didn't see any results from prohormones or SARMs, something is wrong with your diet and/or training. You don't need PEDs to make gains so you should see progress regardless of what you are running.
Ostarine should be at 25mg. 10mg is just too low. Gains from SARMs are not going to be dramatic and get you fired man. Definitely focus on that diet too. Sounds like you are pretty small.