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  1. V

    does anyone grill things besides meat?

    I’m looking for some diet advice and some food prep guidance when it comes to using a grill. My wife recently spent about 1200 dollars on a nice outdoor grill and I spent a lot of time on the patio with the dog. She is a vegetarian so I would like to cook her something and I also want to get...
  2. H

    DASH diet plan for me

    I have been weight training for the past 25 years I’m a big guy I’m 265 pounds and very strong in the weight room. Recently I got a scan done and I have some heart issues going on including a heart murmur. Doctor said that I need to get my blood sugar lower to reduce my chance of getting a...
  3. B

    how often pizza?

    I got a job working at a pizza restaurant while I’m in college and I get some good tips which really helps and I really enjoy making pizza and throwing the dough up in the air and I usually get a lot of customers watching me which gets me even more tips LOL anyway we get free pizza at the end of...
  4. B

    favorite type of sweets?

    I have a sweet tooth I guess it’s one of my addictions in life. It’s not that bad though I like to have something sweet maybe once or twice a week. I’m also trying to get myself in better shape though so this is why I’m asking what are your favorite types of sweets that also have some sort of...
  5. C

    how to avoid temptations from bad foods

    so how do you avoid driving down the street and going by a fast food place and smelling those burgers and fries and not wanting to stop there and eat something ? I seem to be very addicted to that type of food and when I eat it, it makes me happy and smile. But then afterwards I feel lousy. Can...
  6. R

    best mcdonalds options?

    So this sounds weird but I am a college athlete and mcdonalds is sponsoring my team so they gave us a card that we can use at any mcdonalds. Its free food and I’m just a poor college kid I know everybody on here has eaten at McDonald’s before we all have what would be the healthiest options that...
  7. W

    post super bowl gut

    Well football season is over but I was playing the Entertainer since September every weekend for football season because I do a fantasy football thing. Anyway it was lots of beer, wings, chips and bbq. I managed to put on some size during all this, and it’s not good size if you know what I mean...
  8. H

    I’m looking for protein choices

    I have my eye on getting more protein in my diet and following a bodybuilder diet to build more muscle and lean mass do you agree that if you up your protein and lower your carbs it’s a good way to lose body fat and gain muscle or is that not necessarily true? The foods that I was looking at to...
  9. J

    anyone try sushi?

    I was watching a show on TV and they were talking about sushi one guy said he doesn’t eat sushi around his competitions for bodybuilding because it’s not really good for you and the other guy said why wouldn’t you say it’s not good for you so you she of course is good for you they were arguing...
  10. M

    red meat required or just a luxury?

    Do you think that read me is a luxury or do you think that it’s required in bodybuilding to have success I’ve always been what’s coined a hardgainer and unfortunately it’s meant that I’ve had to work harder than everyone else and I’ve also had to find other ways to supplement with protein do you...
  11. C

    cholesterol healthy diet ideas

    I’m looking to improve my cholesterol levels seeking some advice on the best foods that can help with this I’ve read some tips and I wanted to run them back by you one of the tips is avoiding trans fats another one is increasing soluble fiber some cholesterol healthy foods include avocados and...
  12. S

    which apps to scan foods?

    I’m looking for an app I can scan barcodes to get information on things like additives, sugar, calories, etc I’m sure if somebody out there has come up with that idea is there any apps that you can recommend that you will use to scan things just to make sure that they’re healthier options?
  13. G

    food prep advice

    so I don’t really have time during the week with my job to food prep and it’ll be a lot easier for me to prep ahead of time and take meals to work with me and have a meal waiting for me at home we do have a small fridge in my office and a microwave how would you do things in my situation to food...
  14. V

    3 day fasting once a month vs. alternate day fasting for 1 week a month?

    I have a pretty simple question and wanted some opinions I’ve been learning a lot about fasting and I have a question on what would be more effective overall when it comes to all the benefits of fasting if you had to choose between three day fasting once a month or alternate day fasting for one...
  15. S

    Alpha gal

    So folks I’m struggling hard I got bit by a tick I’m now allergic to red meat (all mammals) anything that has the alpha Gal carb. I basically can’t take anything that has gelatin or animal by products with ag. I can still do dairy for now, but before you say just go vegan, there is a seaweed...
  16. B

    Best chinese food?

    I used to take my family out to PF Changs. Back in those days the waiters were actually chinese and they took pride in their food. Now its all downhill and its just a normal phony place I want good quality Chinese food and I'm willing to make it on my own. can you give me some recommendations as...
  17. R

    Pescatarian diet

    So i just visited a town in italy on the coast and like everyone there follows a pescatarian diet I learned a lot from them on that sort of diet. It is pretty much a vegetarian diet but with added seafood So really they eat a lot of fish, snails, shrimp, and crabs. They also eat clams but they...
  18. U

    Best apps to help with macros/calories?

    I’ve been Researching different apps that can help me with my macros and calories to keep track of what I'm eating all day Came across about 10 good ones. Which ones you like the best? Myfitnesspal Noom Cronometer Mynetdiary Lose it Calorie counter + Lifesum Myplate Calorie counter app Yazio
  19. R

    Ultimate summer cut and hardener stack

    Was reading about a good hardener stack i can try during the summer It was test prop 100mgs a day, mast prop 100mg EOD And anavar 80mgs a day Do you think this stack would work with fasting or a low carb/cal diet? Or do you need more protein and carbs to get good results? I’m 202 pounds and...
  20. Y

    Best oils for cooking and health?

    Should i be supplementing oils into my diet more? A family friend whose wife is a doctor suggested that I start drinking different types of oils to get in more good fats and also it's supposed to benefit the body overall have any of you heard of this and do you do this yourselves or should I...
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