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  1. E

    Leaning up. Belly fat

    I still got some excessive belly fat going and loose skin. I lost about 40 lb recently and now my losses have stalled out. I would like to continue my fat loss journey. I'm currently down to 240 lb from 280 lb which supplements can help burn fat is there something topically I can put down there...
  2. C

    Is ACP really worth it?

    Hello, 35 yrs old. New to sarms. 19% body fat, 200 pounds I bought some acp-105 from southern sarms I have been on it for about a week and I don't see any sort of results yet what should I be expecting is it too early to see anything happen? I'm dosing it at 2 to 5 mg a day. should I adjust the...
  3. C

    Testosterone options help me pick

    This is my first ever cycle I’m 27 years old 5’10’’ 175 pounds 12% BODY FAT I have been trading in the gym off and on for the past 5 years but I've been very serious over the past 3 months. all my friends at the gym are using steroids and they recommend it I try testosterone there are a lot of...
  4. Z

    Best sarms for younger

    I’m in my early 20’s Looking to try sarms 6’1’’ and 155 pounds Trying to bulk up from here but don’t Want to put on any body fat. I consider myself skinny fat and very weak I can't really do much weight in the gym compared to other people who are my height I think I just need something to help...
  5. A

    Using cardarine the right way

    I was wondering if i can use cardarine gw the following way I set a year goal of losing weight and getting into shape My plan is to use it this way: 10 weeks on, 40mgs a day 10 weeks off. 5mgs a day 10 weeks on 50mgs a day 12 weeks off 10mgs a day And so on. Gradually increasing the dosage then...
  6. W

    2 worst sarms for me

    What are the 2 sarms i should avoid based on my following stats 22 years old 5’11’’ 155 pounds and 8% body fat I'm very mean but I'm also strong for my size in high school I was state champion in my weight class believe it or not I'm looking for something to help with bulking but I don't want to...
  7. U

    Legion Phoenix Fat burner

    What do you think about Phoenix fat burner and throw it generic weight loss pill. it's supposedly caffeine free so it's less about adding stimulants and more about appetite suppressant it's got things like Forskolin and Naringin Also things like fruit extract, 5-htp and white willow Are these...
  8. X

    Oxandrolone anavar for fat loss

    I’m currently 5’10’’ and 210 pounds. I’m about 18% body fat I want to run an anavar cycle to help with fat loss I promise after this is over I will eat really really good and keep my weight loss off I'm 28 years old and I've never used steroids a friend of mine did a cycle like this and he was...
  9. X

    1st time trenbolone questions

    This is the first time using trenbolone I’m 35 years old 5’10’’ 188 pounds 15% body fat Training for the past 10 years I had a few questions for you on this. My goals are strength and lean gains *what should i stack with tren? *should i expect tren sleep issues aka trensomnia? *how long should i...
  10. L

    Help burning fat

    I'm already doing daily cardio and I've also reduced my calories but I'm not seeing the amount of fat loss that I was hoping for what is the best way I can burn away fat on my body and still feel okay? I'm looking for a supplement to help me out not necessarily a pill to burn fat because I'm...
  11. B

    35 years old and wandering steroid use

    I’m in no mans land with my fitness goals and need some advice I’m 5’7’’ and about 168 lbs. Body fat is low to mid teens I’m not sure if i should bulk or cut down using steroids from here? My goals are just to look good but don't’ want to screw up my current physique
  12. A

    Steroids My Turinabol Cycle Log

    Hi! I am 23 years old and I have 100 kg (176 cm). i train since 5 years and want to take tuirnabol to loose my fat. What do u think about my cycle? Should i take tuirnabol or buy a another steroide?
  13. L

    What can i expect on 4 weeks of sarms?

    Let’s say i did 4 weeks of sarms. I ran sr9009 + s23 for 4 weeks What kind of results would i see to my physique and be honest I’m currently hovering around 150 lb and 5 ft 7 in I'm 22 years old and I am around 14 to 16% body fat
  14. I

    Losing fat with supps

    I use a couple fat burners and they gave me headaches and also it was hard to sleep when I would take them could you recommend me a fat burner that doesn't come with the side effects thank you
  15. S

    Sarms for lean gains

    I am skinny fat currently 5’10’’, 189 pounds, 20% body fat I want to gain some lean muscle My plan is lgd4033 with either GW or SR9009 What else would you do?
  16. W

    Help with fat burning

    I've already cut down a lot of what I'm eating and I am eating in a deficit the problem is my fat loss has come to a screeching halt and I'm not losing as much as I thought I would I need to add a supplement to this can you help me with a fat burner
  17. G

    Sarms for muscle and size

    6’2’’ 210lbs and 20% body fat Check out this stack for muscle and size i put together S23 20mgs a day Lgd4033 25mgs a day 3700c per day 6 meals per day Mostly brown rice, chicken and spinach
  18. Z

    a single sarm to choose

    looking to use a single sarm this time I used steroids before, want to try sarms this time I’m 6’ tall and 250 pounds with 22% body fat goals are just general things like fat loss and strength keep I’m 54 years old
  19. S

    Possible to gain muscle and lose fat together with steroids?

    My ultimate goal would be to lose body fat and also gain a ton of muscle at the same time with the help of anabolic steroids I'm 6 ft 1 in and I weigh around 270 lb. i’m 25 years old Which steroids would work good? I am interested
  20. X

    Dianabol cycle for 5 weeks

    Looking to do a simple Dianabol cycle I'm 26 years old and this is going to be my third cycle I've ever done looking to do 5 weeks. I'm currently 178 pounds 5 foot 9 in and my body fat is in a low teens. I have a very good physique and don't want to screw things up I'm not sure how much Dianabol...
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