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  1. Anabolex-Chuck

    Steroids Anadrol: Anabolic steroid profile

    Anadrol or the A-Bomb is often called the ‘Dry Dianabol’. That’s no mean feat folks, for Dianabol is hands down, the most powerful oral anabolic steroid in the world. A common gripe that steroid users have with Dianabol though, is that it is a ‘wet’ compound. In other words, while it will...
  2. L

    How to help with tren aggression

    So I found that rigged that I wanted to share with you guys on how to offset Trenbolone aggression which is stacking tren with anadrol! the weird thing is when I run them by that myself I have issues. I get crazy and anxious solo but when stacked it's like a math when two negatives turn into a...
  3. C

    Geneza anadrol vs. dbol

    I'm debating which steroidl to use and which one to order from geneza pharma. I've never used Dianabol but I have use Anadrol before I’m 34 years old My goal is to gain solid muscle I use Anadrol before and I liked it but the only issue was it suppress my appetite and I've read that Dianabol...
  4. C

    anadrol insomnia horrible

    I'm using Anadrol to steroid oral and I'm getting a lot of side effects with sleep issues. I've never really had issues with insomnia except when I was in college years ago this go around it seems to be hitting me hard I'm on week 3 of the cycling. Is there something I should change I'm running...
  5. R

    Anadrol and testosterone

    I’m 26 years old 5’10’’ 188 pounds Training for 10 years My cycle is going to be Anadrol-50 mg a day testosterone cypionate 500 mg a week how do I control my estrogen going sky-high on the cycle that is what I can't figure out because Anadrol doesn't aromatize but it does bind to receptors right?
  6. 0

    Picking geneza pharma oral cycle

    I'm looking to run an oral only cycle from geneza pharma. I narrow down my choices of orals between Anadrol and Anavar. the purpose of the cycle is to get my growth phase going and start putting on some major muscle mass. What do you think are the advantages of each and which should I go with...
  7. O

    Mixing sarms with steroids?

    What do you think about mixing sarms and steroids together. I have lgd 4033 and rad 140 on hand. got two bottles of each, my goals are to bulk up, I don't have much problems leaning out. Should I try using Anadrol with them to give everything a boost or should I try something with less side effects
  8. D

    Dianabol and Anadrol

    I got a hold of some Dianabol and Anadrol and I want to Stack these two together but I know they're pretty toxic on the liver. Thought I'd ask you for some advice cuz I trust you on this. If I was to run a low dose of each and run a 200 amount of testosterone a week would this be a good cycle...
  9. P

    Testicle pain on cycle

    I'm running a steroid cycle of testosterone and Anadrol , and I'm also running hcg. my dosages of the testosterone are 500 mg and the Anadrol is 25 mg a day. I'm starting to notice testicle pain like it feels like I have blue balls and when I urinate I get Blobs of white stuff coming out. Any...
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