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  1. N

    post cycle supplements for bouncing back faster

    so I’m going to do a 15 week steroid cycle and then I’m going to do a four week post cycle Therapy then I want to jump on another steroid cycle because I have a vacation coming up I know that might be cutting things too quick but I was wondering if I was to run some supplements during that time...
  2. J

    using steroids for 18 weeks

    I haven’t seen too many threads on here where people are laying out how long they are using their steroids seems like many of you just stay on them year round or some of you might go 6 or 8 weeks and then stop I’m wondering what do you think about using steroids for 18 weeks is that too long?
  3. S

    on cycle supplementation

    I’m looking for on cycle supplements that you recommend not just for support but also something that can make your body better overall I’ve tried several items and they’ve honestly done nothing for me so I’m very skeptical but willing to listen
  4. R

    How to measure a successful cycle

    So when i first started using steroids 3 years ago i was 166 pounds at 5’6’’, i had gained about 20 or so pounds over the course of 9 months focusing on just weight training. I got home a steroid cycle of test and deca and gained like 20 pounds fast Came off and did pct. Lost half of that. Then...
  5. J

    Feedback on my 3rd cycle

    I’m looking at using testosterone on this upcoming cycle. Its been a steroid that has been good to me. I get very good libido, strength, and muscle mass on it so its my bread/butter steroid My question is what should i use with it if i decide to do 500mgs a week I'm currently 28 years old and...
  6. Z

    Onto my next cycle and bloodwork question

    Just finished my cycle of testosterone and superdrol. Did a 4 week pct. My last dose of clomid was on the 1st and i got bloods done on the 2nd. My total testosterone came out high, over 1300ng/dl, also my LH and FSH was also very high. LH was at 9 and FSH was at 11. Based on this would it mean i...
  7. M

    How old were you when you did your first cycle?

    I was wondering when was the first time you popped your cherry and ran your first steroid cycle? I'm currently 24 years old and I'm excited to try steroids. I've seen what they are capable of doing with some of these guys at the gym who are really ripped and huge I'm currently around 200 lb and...
  8. R

    Adding orals on cycle

    Just curious how to run my orals on cycle and be creative I'm doing a 15 week cycle with long test and also equipoise I'm going to be doing 300 to 500 mg a week of the testosterone and then 400 mg of the equipoise which would be two CC's per week I would like to add in oral steroids as a...
  9. D

    How to stack testosterone in a cycle

    So I have used testosterone before on a couple Cycles the first cycle I did testosterone 500 mg a week second cycle I went 750 but I also stacked an oral steroid dbol but it was way too much side effects and felt like i was bloated the whole way This time i want to stack an injectable but not...
  10. Z

    125mgs a week test effective or a waste?

    Not sure if this is a dumb question or not so don’t flame me But do you think it's a waste of time to go on 125 mg a week of testosterone for a cycle? how much testosterone would you say a normal person produces if bloods show that my test levels are 600-700ng/dl? I’m 24 years old and ready to...
  11. K

    Big boy cycle

    My next cycle i want it to be more serious I’m Currently in my Prime and I am 31 years old, 8% body fat and 175 pounds Looking to try trenbolone 500mgs a week Masteron prop 500mgs a week And anavar. Not sure on the dosing of the var or the length I only have time to train 3-4x per week for 1...
  12. M

    3 weeks left of rad140 and sr9009

    I'm about to complete my rad and sr cycle which was 12 weeks total Just got about 3 weeks left, maybe a little less. when the vials are done i will know i’m done lol wondering what I should plan for my next cycle how long do I need to come off? And will need pct on this? Some say yes and some...
  13. T

    Dealing with injuries mid cycle

    Unfortunately I had a major injury on my cycle and can no longer wait train for a couple months the good news is I should make a full recovery but the bad news is is if I try to work out I could make the situation worse what are the best supplements I can take to speed up recovery if I'm in the...
  14. B

    First cycle sarms

    Been a lot of people posting their first Cycles with sarms and I've been learning a lot so thank you my situation is a little bit unique. first off I'm only 24 years old and I'm a shorter guy about five inches and I weigh 230 lb as you can imagine my body fat is pretty high for my height I have...
  15. A

    First sarms run excited

    Very happy to share my first sarms cycle and get your thoughts My goals are to increase strength, get a better physique, and also get better when it comes to my cardio because I've never done well at that. My sarms cycle will look like this: MK 2866 25 mgs a day GW 501516 10 mgs a day S4 50-75...
  16. Q

    First cycle checking in

    my first cycle I think I'm going to go ahead and do 125mgs 2x per week of test E I'm willing to change up the dosage if you recommend it. I also got adex, aromasin, hcg, and clomid for pct and such so I think I have everything covered. I'm 230 lb 6 ft 5 in and my body Fat's about 15% I left...
  17. F

    Best test only first cycle strategy

    Please bear with me this is my first cycle and I want to do this right I'm 24 years old and I'm going to start doing testost enanthate I’ve been doing 500mgs a week, wasn’t happy with results since they stalled at week 6. Before that was gaining 2 pounds per week. Upped the dose to 1000mgs I’m...
  18. W

    Got a hold of some pro hormones

    I’ve gotten my hands on some older pro hormones. Don’t ask me how its my little secret lol Anyway i wanted to run them in this stack Epi andro 8 weeks, 900mgs Arimistane 100mgs Primeval cycle support while on Primeval post cycle while off 25mgs arimistane I'm currently 5'7 I'm hovering around...
  19. H

    Sarms cycle and pct plan

    Just finished a steroid cycle 6 weeks ago, did 4 week pct Feel good and recovered from that Currently up to 210 pounds and 5’11’’ and 24 years old I would like to do sarms this time and then go back to steroids next cycle Would lgd4033 and rad140 20mgs each for 12 weeks be good? Then i would do...
  20. E

    Primobolan cycle thoughts and musings

    Currently 33 years old 5’9’’ 183 pounds 18% body fat a year ago I was about 23% body fat so i have cut down already Looking for lean muscle mass now. I play a lot of soccer and i like to also do a lot of running My plan is 500mgs of primobolan a week For my goals and what i want how much...
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