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  1. E

    NPP, test E and masteron together

    gonna be doing a 3 steroid stack of NPP, test E and masteron pretty sure I want to do the simple 250 test and 500mg masteron per week strategy my dosing on the NPP is where I need the help from you all on here I’m looking to bulk up and get more ripped/hard too I’m also open to switching around...
  2. V

    masteron with test for a beginner?

    What do you think about stacking some testosterone and masteron as a first cycle? I’m 28 years old and I am 5 foot 10 I weigh about 195 pounds would like to push another 10 pounds on my frame but also harden up was thinking about doing some testosterone along with the mast what kind of ratio...
  3. N

    3rd cycle and need help

    I’m interested in setting up my third cycle and need some help with getting it set up the steroids I’m interested in using our test prop, tren ace, and maybe masteron looking to keep dosages mild I don’t want too many side effects want to take things to the next level 30 years old 5’9’’198...
  4. C

    should I pick anavar, tbol or masteron?

    Looking to stack something with testosterone on my second cycle but I would like to stack something dry because I don’t want much water retention my first cycle I had way too much bloat and my face turned very puffy wasn’t the look I was looking for want to do testosterone again, but this time...
  5. M

    finishing up geneza pharma stack

    I’m about 1 week from finishing my geneza pharma stack really excited that I was able to put on 12 pounds of lean mass Everyone says I look leaner as well used trenbolone, masteron, and anavar as a kickstart will definitely be back to use their gear again it’s high quality
  6. E

    masteron and winstrol together

    my Prime goal is to cut down and I would like to use a steroid stack which includes both winstrol and masteron together I’m 235 lbs eighteen percent body fat and 6 foot 1 inches 38 years old and trying to get rid of my dad bod question is how much testosterone would you use with them to get me...
  7. D

    most efficient and low sides from masteron and tren?

    The 2 steroids I am super interested in using is masteron and trenbolone I think I will go with enanthate versions of both I’m in my mid-30s and I am 216 pounds and 6 foot 2 inches my main objective is to run an efficient cycle with low side effects with that said would you recommend 300 mg of...
  8. R

    blasting with tren and masteron

    I’m currently 37 years old and I’ve run about 5 Cycles over the past few years up to 215 pounds and 5 foot 10 inches I held off on using Tren because I know it’s really a top-tier steroid and I wanted to work my way up to it now my question is about using tren with masteron should I elect to run...
  9. S

    masteron, tren and how much test?

    Looking to cut or recomp I’m 34 years old, I’m 5 foot 10 inches and I weigh 190 pounds. Body fat is around 13%. I’m hoping I can get my body fat under 10% and really shred up. My plan is 300mgs of tren 500mgs of masteron Question is, should I run propionate or should I run enanthate? Also, How...
  10. N

    Next stack for bulking for show

    I'm looking to do something a little bit different and go in bulk into my show coming up in 3 months so this is going to be a 12-week cycle for me I'm currently 28 years old 5'10 and 160 lb. my body fat is 7%, so I have room The stack i want to try is: Deca 300mgs a week Anavar 100mgs a day...
  11. J

    Using masteron and test E

    Interested in hearing some opinions as to the ratios that I should be running with masteron enanthate and test E I would like to optimally avoid having to use any type of anti-estrogen. I've used them in the past and they've always led to mood swings and other side effects that I did not care...
  12. H

    Primobolan cycle is expensive!

    Hey guys. I’m 28 years old Been using gear for 5 years now Up to 230 pounds and 5’11’’ .. goal is to compete maybe next year I’ve used several steroids already including test, tren, masteron, winstrol and anavar. Wow primo costs some serious money. I priced out how much a cycle would cost...
  13. L

    Getting steroid fatigue

    I’m not feeling well lately, getting a lot of anxiety and feeling depressed after my recent breakup Got caught on cycle On this stack: Testosterone 250mgs a week Masteron 50mgs per day Trenbolone 100mgs EOD The results are still good even though i feel like crap. I’m 8 weeks into cycle and was...
  14. N

    Domestic-Supply Domestic supply top notch products/service

    I've now ordered from domestic Supply eight times and every time it has been an excellent interaction Ordering Payment shipping arrival time Effectiveness 10 out of 10 across the board. also their reps that they have on the forums are extremely on top of things and always helping out which I...
  15. Z

    After another test cycle what now?

    I just graduated from my 2nd testosterone cycle and looking to move up in the world of steroids 33 years old 5’10’’ 210 pounds. 16% body fat Put on more size then i would have liked. I’m looking to use something more strong that will cut me What would you use if you had to choose between anavar...
  16. H

    Is masteron the secret to hardness?

    Was wondering what you thought the secret was when it came to getting harder and more vascular. I see some dudes at the gym who have the most hard biceps and they got the veins popping out like you wouldn't believe do you think that means that they are taking masteron or maybe anavar? or is...
  17. L

    Napsgear bulking then cutting stack

    Just wanted to see what you guys thought about using 500mgs of test, deca and masteron together? The deca will be 400mgs a week and the masteron will be 1000mgs a week It will all be from napsgear. I’m 6'3 and I am 217 lb with 12% body fat. I'm ready to take things to the next level and perhaps...
  18. C

    Tren stomach problems and solutions

    I have a love/hate relationship with tren as i think all people do It makes me crazy strong and makes me into a beast But the side effects are absolutely brutal. not just the things that are well known like sweating and that sort of thing. but my stomach has really been bothering me. I'm getting...
  19. K

    Big boy cycle

    My next cycle i want it to be more serious I’m Currently in my Prime and I am 31 years old, 8% body fat and 175 pounds Looking to try trenbolone 500mgs a week Masteron prop 500mgs a week And anavar. Not sure on the dosing of the var or the length I only have time to train 3-4x per week for 1...
  20. H

    Check out this contest stack

    So a buddy of mine is volunteering his time to help me for my first contest we are practicing posing and also he suggested a steroid stack for me I’m 28 years old 5’11’’ 210 pounds and 11% body fat The stack he has me doing: Test E 250 per week NPP 300mgs Anadrol 6 weeks only 100mgs Masteron...
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