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  1. T

    GHRP-6 optimal dosage for best results?

    Had a few questions on using GHRP-6. 1. best source for acquiring it where I don’t have to worry about getting ripped off or getting fake shit? 2. would dosing it 2x per day at 150mcg be a good effect? 3. do I need to fast before taking it? 4. do I need to stack anything else with it like a...
  2. C

    3 sarm run without GW

    I've used GW in every sarm cycle. This will be my 5th I’m looking to change things up and not include it this time to see if that makes a difference in my results I'm 48 years old and my main issue has been lack of endurance. I do a lot of CrossFit and I also do resistance training. I do each...
  3. Z

    a single sarm to choose

    looking to use a single sarm this time I used steroids before, want to try sarms this time I’m 6’ tall and 250 pounds with 22% body fat goals are just general things like fat loss and strength keep I’m 54 years old
  4. U

    Rad140 is solid

    RAD140 is a sarm that i really like But i want to try it this time with something else in a stack I’m 5’10’’ 185 pounds and 14% body fat. 28 years old Training for 8 years What can i stack that will give me more muscle mass.
  5. F

    Mega shred and recomp stack

    I'm 31 years old I weigh around 210 lb with a body found around 16% Ready to try an aggressive sarm stack I got 4 sarms in mind Yk11 s4/andarine Rad140 Gw cardarine should I run all 4 or should I just pick three to do
  6. R

    Ready to use sarms again

    Its been about 3 years since i used them My last cycle was pre pandemic which seems like forever ago I used rad140 and gw cardarine This time i want to use gw again, but maybe another sarm. Which should i try? I want to lose fat. 47 years old, 5’9’’ 243 pounds
  7. L

    Just want lean gains sarms

    Hello bodybuilding friends out there in the fitness world I am seeking guidance on my next sarm cycle I'm 5 ft 7 in 185 lb and I am approximately 19% body fat I would like to gain some lean muscle mass. What do you recommend I stack with cardarine 501516 GW?
  8. K

    How much damage do sarms do?

    My question is do we really know what kind of damage sarms can do in the body? I have done three or four different sarm Cycles over the past couple years. I've gained probably 5 to 10 lb and total of lean muscle mass. My question is what kind of damage could I have done during that time frame
  9. L

    GW and another sarm

    if I want to lose weight what is the best thing to use with gw cardarine 33 5’7’’ 214 pounds 25% body fat I have 3 bottles of gw I got from a friend. What else can I use? He said I should use another sarm with it for best results
  10. B

    your favorite sarms stack is….

    Here is a question for you what is your favorite sarm stack of all time? But it has to be either 2 or 3 sarms you cannot name like 4 or 5. also it has to be okay for a 22 year old to use. I’m only 143 pounds and 5’11’’
  11. F

    Need to add 5 pounds

    Here is the thing and listen to me closely guys I don’t want any smart aleck responses to this thread otherwise stay out I want to add 5 pounds to my frame. I’m currently 5’8 and 190. I look better than most of you I don’t want to add 5 pounds of crap, just good quality lean mass Which sarm...
  12. S

    Motivational sarms stack

    I need to hop on a sarm stack for motivation What are my best options for that? Right now I am about 20% body fat. But a year ago i was much leaner Lost motivation to workout recently after getting married All stats are 27 years old 5 ft 11 in in 225 lb
  13. H

    can I cut with ostarine?

    I’m currently 6’ tall and 250 pounds. My body fat is way too high, probably over 25% I’m 36 years old looking to cut down and look better is ostarine mk2866 the best option for cutting or should I try a different sarm? My friend took it and lost like 10 pounds and said he would hook me up with it
  14. S

    Sr9009 good or bad

    do you think that sr9009 is a good or bad product? I heard it isn’t even a sarm but it's something else that you take before you go running, some dudes in crossfit were talking about it the other day can you give me any information on it and what is the correct way to use it?
  15. C

    Sarms tastes different each time?

    22 years old 5’10’’ 150 pounds I was wondering if it was normal when I take a dose of sarm's for it to taste different each time. sometimes when I take it it tastes like fruit, other times it tastes like stringy, and others like a gel I'm using lgd 4033 and running it 15 mg a day. I am on day 4...
  16. E

    Libido boost or lower from sarms?

    what can I expect if I was to run a sarm cycle when it comes to my libido? just looking to get a clue I’m gonna be using gw501516 along with mk677 heard these are both okay for libido and won't bother you too much
  17. R

    GW+ ?

    I'm debating what to stack with GW cardarine please help me decide My goals are recomping I’m currently 14% body fat, want to get to under 12 I also want to use another sarm. But which one isn’t so expensive but is effective for someone who weight trains at least four times a week and wants...
  18. U

    SARMS Energy sarms cycle

    my goal is energy I’m 5’6’’ 145 pounds and 16% body fat my schedule is really hectic sometimes I work the late shift and sometimes I have to get up early. So i am usually all over the place with my energy levels and when i get a chance to workout which sarm cycle do you recommend for someone who...
  19. D

    Capsulated sarms vs. liquids

    so what is the update on this question which has been asked so many times over the years and there's been so many different answers given. should we be using the capsulated version of sarm's or should we use the liquid? And what sources are the best?
  20. A

    Sides on s4 andarine

    I’m using s4 andarine and dealing with vision issues I’m also dealing with pain in my right side like a side stitch. Anyone know what causes these issues and how can i fix it? I’m am running 100mg a day, i started with 50mg and wasn’t getting results so doubled my dose. Thinking of dropping it...
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