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  1. X

    my future s4 and yk11 stack and advice

    curious what you all think about using s4 andarine and yk11 when it comes to stacking and advice. I’m in my late 30’s and trying to improve over the next 5 years. I plan on running 2 sarms cycles per year for the next few years then trying steroids. Do you think that s4 and yk are a good first...
  2. C

    yk11 and lgd stacked properly

    I’m looking to improve my muscle mass and improve my workouts. Currently training five times a week I’m 218 pounds and six foot four inches tall lgd4033 sounds like a very good sarm. Want to use that with yk11. Last cycle only ran yk11 by itself with minimal results. Want to run 10mgs a day of...
  3. Q

    Follistatin 344 plus yk11 best muscle building stack ever?

    217 pounds. Hit a plateau and 5’10’’. 37 years old. Always been a hard gainer. I’m looking to get the most muscle building possible, beyond my natural limit. Looking at trying Follistatin 344 for the first time. My dosage plan is as follows: Follistatin344 300mcg per day YK11: 20mgs per day is...
  4. X

    how to use yk11 with s23 to BULK

    I’m skeptical of using sarms but after seeing my friend improve so much on them I thought I would give it a shot. He used yk11, s23 and s4 I think. I don’t want to get all 3, just want to try yk11 and s23 together. I’m about his age and I’m 25 years old and I’m around 200 pounds and five foot 10...
  5. U

    yk11 works well with which sarm for bulking?

    Is it even possible to bulk up on sarms or is that wishful thinking lol I’m Currently 155 pounds and five foot 11 inches very skinny for my height I think I have room to improve what do you think I should do in terms of using sarms and running yk11 with something else? Would 15mgs of yk11 be...
  6. T

    bulking and using yk11 and s4

    so never tried yk11 and s4 yet But I’m reading some really good reviews on how it is a really good bulk option can you tell me a bit about the S4 Vision side effects and how those will affect me and when I can expect at 50 milligrams a day also how much yk11 is too much? I would like to run the...
  7. A

    yk11 10mgs vs. 20mgs?

    I’m currently in my late twenties and I’m eager to try out yk11 I’m looking for the best dosage for my goals which are to gain more muscle mass because I am a hard Gainer my current stats are a hundred and forty pounds and five foot 11 I’m eating in a surplus but I just can’t gain anything if I...
  8. E

    do you like YK11 and s23 as a stack?

    I’m 33 years old and looking to do something more aggressive when it comes to sarms looking at yk11 10mgs a day and s23 maybe 5-10mgs a day for 12 weeks currently around 200 lb and would like to put on between 10 and 15 pounds of body weight do you think I could get that goal in a 12-week cycle
  9. R

    how do you stop sarms early?

    Any advice on what to do if you run into a situation where you get injured halfway through your cycle? I’m currently doing a stack of YK11, S23 and GW something happened to my shoulder where I lost all strength on my right side I’m 6 weeks into this stack and was getting some really good results...
  10. T

    why I don’t recommend yk11 anymore

    so using yk11 was an experience I did 30 mg a day which I know is higher than the recommended dosage but I wanted to test the stuff out one of the changes I noticed is my but became larger than the rest of my body my legs stayed super skinny and my upper body did not really get bigger was a...
  11. G

    Ostarine and yk11 together healing?

    what do you think about stacking ostarine mk2866 along with yk11 for healing? My dosing would be 25 mg of each per day. and then after 8 weeks I would increase the mk2866 by another 25 mg to make it an even 50 I'm currently in my late 40s and the joint issues I can definitely feel. especially in...
  12. B

    Proper way to use yk11 and the truth

    Too many people are spreading rumors on YK11 saying it is good for muscle building and strength when the truth is actually the opposite I feel that it is a great fat burner and endurance sarm I’ve used it before only at 5mgs a day and noticed crazy good energy in the gym and improvements Next go...
  13. F

    Yk11, sr9009 and RAD newbie

    First time using all 3 sarms together Training for 2 years I’m 23 years old, 5 ft 8 in and I weigh around 180 lb right now I'm training five times a week consistently. but I would like to try to go six or seven times a week even the three sarms I'm most interested in using together are yk11...
  14. T

    How does lgd work with yk11 for hair loss?

    I had a question about running lgd 4033 along with YK 11 for 12 weeks. would like to run 10 mg of each my hair has been undergoing some changes over the past year or two and I'm noticing a lot of bald spots coming on wouldn't want to speed that up. are these two products going to be safe for...
  15. L

    40 years old and horny with sarms

    I’m in my 40’s now and using sarms I have gotten super horny using them I’m on yk11 and using 40mgs a day I was also using sr9009 too but stopped it Is this normal?
  16. P

    5 year break from sarms

    Wow sarms have come a long way in 5 years Back then i was using lgd4033 a lot Now people are using some things like yk11 and s23. Seems like people are getting more aggressive with their sarms usage do you recommend i hop on one of those stronger compounds or should I take a more conservative...
  17. S

    Ostarine with yk11?

    What do you think about stacking mk2866 ostarine with yk11? do these products stack well together? My plan is osta 50mgs a day Yk11: 20mgs a day I'm 208 lb 5 ft 8 in and about 22% body fat goal is to get the body fat lower and also increase my strength. 30 years old
  18. Z

    2 best sarms for my goals

    my goal is strength and size. I want to get bigger. I’m 6’ tall and 150 pounds skinny my body fat is like 8% I think I have a lot of room to grow and I’m 25 years old would s23 and yk11 be my best bets?
  19. A

    Changing my looks on sarms?

    do you think it's possible to change your looks while using sarms? Around 5 ft 10 and I weigh 228 lb I would like to cut down because I'm currently around 22% body fat also I'm 35 years old and have never used any type of performance enhancers before do you think that I can change the way I look...
  20. A

    how to run a yk11 cycle

    I want to get bigger fast I’m 25 years old 6’2’’ 155 pounds and 9% body fat I have 3 bottles of YK11 on hand I want to use it 25mgs a day, thats what my friend used what else should I stack with it? I was thinking either lgd4033 or rad140.
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