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12 or 16 weeks sarms?


I know sarms are slow builders. Is it better to use them 12 weeks or do you need to push 16 weeks for best results?
I have my eye on 3 sarms to use
lgd4033, s4/andarine and yk11
I’m 5’7’’
145 pounds
looking to bulk up but do it smart
I know sarms are slow builders. Is it better to use them 12 weeks or do you need to push 16 weeks for best results?
I have my eye on 3 sarms to use
lgd4033, s4/andarine and yk11
I’m 5’7’’
145 pounds
looking to bulk up but do it smart
12 weeks with sarms is fine
s4 25mgs
yk11 10mgs
cardarine 20mgs
optimal is 16 weeks for sarms cycles
for most, you would stick to 12 weeks.. there are a few exceptions.. the gw's, the sr's and mk677 can be ran 16 weeks, with mk677 being best used at least 6 months but the gw's and sr's should not go past 16 weeks... all others should be kept at 12 weeks... for the best quality sarms visit either or
Dylan covered you. Only use our forum approved sponsored sources like and umbrella labs!
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