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Expired Steroids - the truth!


Expired Steroids - the truth!

Just about the majority of medications including anabolic steroids that are injectables and orals, have a relatively long lifespan.. the expiration date is just something that was implemented by the FDA to basically give a time span for the safe practice and and Overstock value which was put into place by the United States military with an investigation back in the mid-70s...

Researchers and medical facilities worldwide have conducted multiple tests on numerous medications and found that even decades after expiration date they still possessed almost there full potential in which they were labeled at.. however there is exceptions with certain medications that are extremely sensitive and delicate but you would need to look up those medications..

Someone would really need to have these medications including steroids in some pretty piss poor environments such as constant exposure to UV lighting, habitual exposure to hot and cold temperatures repeatedly, even then the hormone will not degrade significantly but most likely just fall out of its position (crash).. like I said when it pertains to anabolic steroids is there actual real shelf life can be up to decades exceeding 10 years and even up to 15 years..

If you wish to discontinue your protocol, and even whatever you have in your stock it is wise to keep them at room temperature and away from direct light.. that is why some medication will be dispensed inside of Amber vials or plastic bottles, to protect from UV lighting... Our partner that networks with us here at Euro Pharmacy they are known as pivotal labs they see and recognize this Hazard and they have Resort it back to using Amber vials just for this reason.. a lot of Laboratories like to go with the clean crisp look, because people have a sense of security when they're able to look at their contents but if you know and trust your lab you can rest assure that your contents are safe on the interior that is why pivotal labs operates with the highest standard and they chose to use Amber vials to assure greater quality and product integrity..

Factual - "Doctors with out Borders" historically has accepted medication from the hospital/surgery centers and clinics in the US that are expired and have been dispensed for use in 3rd world countries during disasters or daily everyday life.

For oils, it would be fair to assume that 4-5 years past expiration date is a bit long, we also need to consider that carrier oils themselves also have a half life and shelf life..
For the carrier oils, we need to bear in mind that the fatty acids begin to deteriorate, fall apart therefore their usability and stability deteriorates and it's a Cascade of events thereafter. They will spoil and go rancid, oils could spoil and go rancid long before the hormone degrades (Especially food derivative oils).
You have a window with about 2-3 years past OIL expiration dates.. If someone purchased a product and it was a new release from the batch, that's 3 years right there, if they hold on to that for an extended 5 years after the expiration, it might be in there better interest to just toss them. But a couple years after expiration, is still good.

For Orals, (most pressed tabs non-syrup) - Anywhere from 5-8 years past expiration, some up to a decade.
Orals have some pretty good hang Time.

Raw material, These have a VERY lengthy life span, lasting up to or more than 8 years in some cases. Dry raws and orals tabs will far exceed oils and syrups.

Simple Rules people:
Store all of your unused contents away from direct light, and avoid extreme climate differences weather hot or cold.. Climate controlled / room temperature is the best setting and avoid exposure to moisture..
expired gear love here
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