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napsgeargenezapharmateuticals domestic-supplypuritysourcelabsResearch Chemical SciencesUGFREAKeudomestic

My log of the test, sdrol, tren,mast mix cycle


Test c : 200 mg weekly
Andro 300 : 1 ml twice weekly
(Test e 100mg, tren e 100mg, mast e 100mg)
Sdrol : 2 caps a day for 30 days
Milk thistle: 1000mg twice daily

Diet :
I ate 3 or 4 meals a day
I would have snacks throughout the day such as Greek yogurt, almonds, cottage cheese
Drank 3 protein shakes daily
Took serious mass (1200 calories 250 carbs 50 g protein
Took creatine
* i do not think i consumed enough daily, but I still grew like a beast, weight gainer helped ALOT!

I have a serious routine and know exactly how to train MY body for size. I have been a competitive bodybuilder in the past.
Mon shoulders, traps
Tues arms
Weds core
Thurs chest
Fri back
Sat off
Sun off

**Serious question for experienced users.
I had to get 2 bottles of the andro 300
Its low doses at 1 ml which i been doing.
I'll have like more than half a bottle left if I stop at 5 weeks with 1 ml twice a week. Should I do a ml and half for the next two weeks or just stop and save it ?
Before and now. Still 2 weeks to go
Test c : 200 mg weekly
Andro 300 : 1 ml twice weekly
(Test e 100mg, tren e 100mg, mast e 100mg)
Sdrol : 2 caps a day for 30 days
Milk thistle: 1000mg twice daily

Diet :
I ate 3 or 4 meals a day
I would have snacks throughout the day such as Greek yogurt, almonds, cottage cheese
Drank 3 protein shakes daily
Took serious mass (1200 calories 250 carbs 50 g protein
Took creatine
* i do not think i consumed enough daily, but I still grew like a beast, weight gainer helped ALOT!

I have a serious routine and know exactly how to train MY body for size. I have been a competitive bodybuilder in the past.
Mon shoulders, traps
Tues arms
Weds core
Thurs chest
Fri back
Sat off
Sun off

**Serious question for experienced users.
I had to get 2 bottles of the andro 300
Its low doses at 1 ml which i been doing.
I'll have like more than half a bottle left if I stop at 5 weeks with 1 ml twice a week. Should I do a ml and half for the next two weeks or just stop and save it ?
Andro 300, I would go with 1ml until you run out IMO, why waste it. Cut it off after you run out.
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