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Naps Log/Back In the Saddle


Growing Newb
Hello Abex bros and sisters. Posted not to long ago about my Napsgear TD and mused about running a log. I’ve taken the last couple weeks to start getting my diet and training regimen in order. Don’t want to start a cycle before I’m confident in my ability to maintain discipline with food and work outs. I’m a food lover and rich, savory and heavy foods are my weakness. I’m about there however. I buy the cleanest food I can get my hands on and do all of my own cooking.
17% BF
As you can see I’m not a big guy. I’d like to get up to about 210 lbs at around 11-12% BF. Seems a realistic goal to me but maybe it isn’t. I’ve got long muscles, I’m assuming that’s the best way to describe it. Legs are not naturally big at all. I played soccer for 13 years and they just never did get big. I was fast and strength wasn’t an issue, they’re just hard to grow but I’d like to see them bigger.
Diet Plan:
I don’t smoke, drink maybe twice a year and very little even thej
High protein, no processed sugar, low carb, high good fat intake.
Breakfast: 1/2 dozen eggs, 1lb cooked grass fed hamburger mixed in with 1 cup of cheddar cheese. Bake in the oven until done. I’ll usually eat this all for breakfast or some variation of it.
Lunch: 1lb of grilled chicken or steak. 1 cup (before cooked) brown or white rice.
Dinner: 1.5 lb ribeye or ny strip grilled or chicken
2 x serving ProAminoXP early AM, late PM before bed
110 oz of water daily

150 mg TestC x 2 a week
1.5 IU daily HGH
7 caps N2 Guard daily
HCG 500 IU 2x weekly every 4th week
Was thinking 12 weeks but I’m debating 16.
HGH will continue for a year.

*QUESTION FOR THE VETS* I have Deca on hand but debating it’s use. Any input would be greatly appreciated. I’m still about two weeks out from starting cycle.

Workouts: I will put those up as I go along. I’ll try to do so daily but I do write them down so I’ll update as frequently as I can. HIIT with resistance bands, push ups with bands, sit ups, crunches, pull ups. 2 mile jog/run for now to help with cardiovascular strengthening but I’m not looking for a runners physique.
So, here’s my introduction to what I’m looking at and what you can expect from this log. Before and after pics will be put up at a later date but I’m not comfortable with the way I look currently. Just the way it is for me. I appreciate the support I’ve gotten already and look forward to sharing the journey.
Also, I had mentioned in another post about running SARMS on this cycle. I think I’ll wait until after this one and post PCT then run a SARMS only between this one and the next.
For the question
*QUESTION FOR THE VETS* I have Deca on hand but debating it’s use. Any input would be greatly appreciated. I’m still about two weeks out from starting cycle.
I would add 100mgs deca durabolin per week to start, good addition for sure.

Now another comment is your diet. It's perfect BUT you lack healthy fats and vegetables.

add bowl of steamed broccoli every meal
add 5 walnuts 5 almonds every meal
add 1 tbps of peanut butter + 1 protein shake between meals
You're kinda big compared to the average Joe
I suppose a bit. I look at all of you guys here and I feel like I’m on the smaller side. I’ve noticed a lot of dudes around where I live are pretty big. I don’t remember seeing so many jacked people on average but it seems to be more common these days. But yeah, as natural builds go I think I have a good foundation to work with.
Looks like a nice clean cycle to me. The deca would be a great addition IMO but as Steve said I would put proviron in the mix also and personally I would push the cycle to 14-16 weeks. Are you on trt or do you pct?
Looks like a nice clean cycle to me. The deca would be a great addition IMO but as Steve said I would put proviron in the mix also and personally I would push the cycle to 14-16 weeks. Are you on trt or do you pct?
Did TRT for a year but ran PCT and stopped TRT. I just ordered bloods to see if I was able to get my body to produce. Post cycle I plan to run my PCT again and see if my levels can be brought up and if so, that’ll be the end of TRT. I should have tried running PCT protocol before starting TRT. But hey, maybe I’ll be able to work it all out.
Hopefully brother it’s good to keep your natural test as long as possible and use trt as a last resort. If trying to get your natural test back I wouldn’t push past 12 weeks but that’s totally up to you.
Hopefully brother it’s good to keep your natural test as long as possible and use trt as a last resort. If trying to get your natural test back I wouldn’t push past 12 weeks but that’s totally up to you.
I’m here for suggestions and knowledge from people who know about this. So I’ll stick with 12 and see how it goes. Much appreciated.
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