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Next Cycle Suggestions


So just a little background, currently taking easy after having to cut my cycle short due to high ALT from not doing proper cycle support. Cycle was test cyp(340mgTuesday pm, 125mgSaturday pm)/mk677 25mg ed/LGD 4033 10mg ed.... stopped lgd mid Cycle, cut mk677 to 12.5mg and continued test as is and started liver/organ support. In another 45 days or so I'll get labs and if ALT is looking good I want to start new cycle, wanting to try one of the milder last liver toxic steroids that will still provide nice lean mass gains as well as 12.5mg mk677 and test cyp. My goals are lean mass gains, stay looking as young as possible and healthy as possible and to lose as little of my gains as possible after cycle.
So far I have my eye on Primo, Tbol, Anavar but just one. Looking for advice/suggestions. And thank you guys in advance. Always appreciate yall taking the time to give solid advice and feedback.

Hope you all have a great day! w/Respect
Alt and Ast can always be higher or our of range when on cycle, you definitely didn't have to cut it short, you could have added something like n2guard or a good quality organ and liver protection, truth be told markers will always be out of range and it's alarming when u see it for the first time. I am glad you took precautions and did what you thought was the best for yourself.

Numbers could look slightly better with proper organ and liver protection, mostly likely will still be out of range just not as bad if that makes sense. You could also have tried lowering the dose of the compounds and see how you would fair.

Regardless Alt and Ast on ant cycle especially orals can take a hit, just keep that in mind with continuing to cycle in the future, anything ped related will impact blood numbers.
Of those three options, definitely primo.. the better choice would be to look at the sarms s23 and ac262... s23 would be stronger than all three of what you have listed and have the least side effects of the three.. it would be very suppressive just like a steroid but definitely will give bigger results than any of the other options
If the main goal is to minimize the toxic effect on the liver then the choice is definitely towards non-17-alpha-alkylated injectables.
If you wish to add a second oral medication regardless I would choose Anavar over T-bol.
If you for whatever reason will only be using an oral medication then I would, again, choose Anavar.
So just a little background, currently taking easy after having to cut my cycle short due to high ALT from not doing proper cycle support. Cycle was test cyp(340mgTuesday pm, 125mgSaturday pm)/mk677 25mg ed/LGD 4033 10mg ed.... stopped lgd mid Cycle, cut mk677 to 12.5mg and continued test as is and started liver/organ support. In another 45 days or so I'll get labs and if ALT is looking good I want to start new cycle, wanting to try one of the milder last liver toxic steroids that will still provide nice lean mass gains as well as 12.5mg mk677 and test cyp. My goals are lean mass gains, stay looking as young as possible and healthy as possible and to lose as little of my gains as possible after cycle.
So far I have my eye on Primo, Tbol, Anavar but just one. Looking for advice/suggestions. And thank you guys in advance. Always appreciate yall taking the time to give solid advice and feedback.

Hope you all have a great day! w/Respect
@jj210tx I follow your other log:
btw keep that updated

on this new log I would suggest you go with testosterone base and primobolan thats it, I dont think you need more than that as I see how you're doing already

before we go into new log can we get you to update the old one more please?
Won't go wrong with some testosterone and Mild Primo
you won't have many issues on a stack like that
Primo good but it might not give you the gains you're looking for
but if you haven't used it before I recommend doing it 500 milligrams a week has you covered no matter what you choose
make sure you put up a log Journal so we can follow you

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