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tren e/test e/dbol cycle 12 week


want to do 10 weeks of dbol 30mgs/day
stack that with tren enan 300mgs
test e 250mgs
light cycle for 12 weeks
can I do orals for 10 weeks safety?
want to do 10 weeks of dbol 30mgs/day
stack that with tren enan 300mgs
test e 250mgs
light cycle for 12 weeks
can I do orals for 10 weeks safety?

You can do anything safely if you try. Cycle isn't too harsh IMO just long orals.
Add n2guard 7caps/day during the dbol run and 5 after. I would up the test to 500mgs.
bro i would lower the weeks on the dbol...go with 8 weeks not 10...but do add liver/organ support like n2guard for sure...
you can do whatever you want but i never recommend using any oral longer than six weeks aside from proviron... i would not go over 4 weeks with dbol
WIth how estrogenic dbol is, I would actually only run it for 4 weeks. In my opinion, tbol is a far superior choice to dbol simply due to side effects. Everyone is different and has different goals so that is just my opinion.
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