I've bought 3 bottles of testo c 250 from ugfreak produced by psra pharma and as soon as I broke the rubber seal with a needle, all 3 vials completely crystalized within 24 hours. I've used tons of different brands but this is the first time this has ever happened. 2 bottles were international...
Imma be honest. The PP proviron I'm using isn't very good. But the other times I've used it from other labs; the main thing I'd notice, which usually occurs around 2nd week, is increased erections in my sleep and mornings. More sensitive d***k.. and decreased water retention. I actually had to...
As far crazy as it may sound..even at these levels. My muscles are still extremely sore everyday after a workout. My recovery doesn't seem any better. But I could be over training. But I doubt it.
I want to get my test levels as high as possible without having sides. So far I'm still not having any sides other than mild bloating and a lil bit of acne.
I am aggressive. Juicing to the gills. But my body tolerates it very well. I actually am fixing to switch over to 500mg test/500mg tren in about 6 weeks for my cut.
Yeah I've been new to ugfreak. But I've been slowly trying out their products. Getting labs done on each product. Bec my local source is a bit more expensive. He's got top quality gear don't get me wrong. But it's too damn expensive. So I'm slowly transitioning my cycle over to ugfreak products...
I've been running the gram for 4 weeks.
But prior I was running 750mg for the past 2 months. I do two injections weekly. I'm also running 50mg proviron daily. 20mg cialis daily. 25mcg T3 daily.