What about my thyroid being twice the normal? Oh and I forgot to mention my BP was super high like 170/100 and I was getting carpel tunnel symptoms. My hands and feet were constantly twisting up into some narly ass cramps and all my muscles and joints were starting to hurt and I had a migraine...
And my shoulder is fucked. I tore the main tendon or ligament whichever it is and the arm is pretty much useless for anything other than just moving it and the pain is getting worse it's starting to keep me up at night, I've been trying to avoid pain meds but it's getting to that point.
I can stay on hgh but I stopped when my first labs came back so crazy. I was at 5ius a day for like 4 months and it had all kinds of shit out of whack. Everything is leveling back out now though, I just need to figure out a safe dose. It's crazy though cuz I talk to guys on jet that day...
I went about a month ago cuz I knew my shit had to be all out of whack and it was. I over did it with hgh and it had me all messed up but everything had leveled back out for the most part but the 1st labs were a little scary.
Saw you were considering GDRoids. You can look at my last logs, I've promoted his stuff a lot and I still feel good about his peptides (including hgh)to be honest HOWEVER, I did labs in September and I had been running 750mgs of his test cyp per week (375mg every 3½ days) and my test came back a...
I guess i missed all that, I've been shopping with him this whole time, mostly just peptides and test and I'm pretty sure he gets the peptides from somewhere else cuz they seem to be good. Why is he still an approved source then?