Buy onlinу injectable steroids for bodybuilding Europe
Catalog of injectable sports pharmacology for bodybuilding. Euro-Pharmacies manufacture. Online store Puritysourcelabs. Delivery to the Europe: France, UK, Spain, Italy, Germany…
If you want to save $$$ and really put together a banger of a...
This is an absolute bargain for this product. Ment Raws are very expensive from what I’ve seen in the past. I’ve used Trest twice now with insane results. I’ve never put on so much weight so fast besides with slin. I could’ve got away with using probably 25 mg eod and still had significant gains...
EQ 50% off
NPP 50% off
Trest 50% off
Mast prop 50% off
Many other products are marked down and priced to move.
I can’t believe all these products are on sale for domestic shipping. This is a fucking huge opportunity to get the gear from euro pharmacies...
I have to be the first motherfucker to get my order in today at 2am lol. Look I’m glad you guys are back open, but don’t you ever close for that long again you hear me.
With that being said, I went with the neighborhood shipping line and grabbed a few products that I desperately needed. I...
Man, this was the longest wait ever it feels like, but I knew it was worth the wait. I’m definitely placing a neighborhood shipping order on day one.
I hope you guys are stocked up and ready to roll this new year. How is international these day’s? I hope you guys are stocked up and ready to...
The opinions for these are so different its seriously annoying.
Ignoring side effects, price and cosmetic effects, which one is the strongest anabolic out of these? Which one will build the most muscle at the same dose?
I know all of 3 of them are not really that strong to begin with, compared...
I just learned about some people taking both Levothyroxine with Armour Thyroid and report their symptoms improve - especially energy and brain function. Apparently the reason is that Levo contains T4 which the body then converts to T3, but not always reliably. Apparently natural thyroid hormone...
So I heard the news that Euro pharmacies now carries primo tablets. This is awesome news btw, but what dosage can one expect to see the most results from?
I’ve ran these year’s ago but I can’t remember the dosage or length I used them at. If I recall I used the old school British Dragon brand...
Not much longer and PSL international will be back and fully restocked with all your favorite Euro Pharmacies products up for grabs. The all new blister package oral’s, HGH, peptides, Sarms, and other miscellaneous products will be available again at a much higher discounted price than domestic...
Needs no introduction here. This one is going to be a bumpy ride so buckle up.
* Insane strength
* Dry hard lean gains
* Pumps galore
Don't miss this sale
We know it's tuff with buying all the kiddos, or maybe even your own back to school supplies with inflation, and all the other BS happening in the world.
We want to show our gratitude and offer a 20% off sale on the international line up(30% off with BTC order's).
Starting today and until the...
No more painful injections from water based products, and no more lumps. IMHO oil carriers are the way to go for TNE & Winny. Definitely a game changer! Check these products out at
I have had terrible reactions to water based winstrol over the year's especially back in the vet...
Eurotropin HGH - 191aa etc - ( 40 I.U dual chamber )
Supplier: Euro-pharmacies,Europe
Chemical Name:Somatropinum
Comes In: 40IU dual chamber (13.2mg) & 1 ml water solution
Dosage: Men 2-6IU total daily
Active time: Varies by injection method
Class:Growth Hormone
Masteron is primarily used to give your muscle a granite hard, grainy look to them that no other steroid can duplicate. I really would categorize Masteron as a pre-contest drug.
Masteron is not very effective unless you’re already very lean. It’s not the type of compound you want to take if...
I get this question all the time and I am sure the question has ran through your head when placing your order. The answer is strictly up to you. We are very proud to offer two top quality lines that are sure to impress. Our international line has a vast and long standing history of being some of...
What a nice surprise the other day. I opened my box and wasn't expecting this to jump the pond so fast. I can't give specifics but it was way less than two week's and that's all I can say about that.
Ever since we've been carrying peptides I've been experiencing more and more. I've found that...
I would like to take this time and introduce Jozifp103 to the Uncle Z family. Me, him and push50 are here to help you with any questions that you may have. He's very knowledgeable with P.E.D.'s, and a long term PSL rep who's come to Team Z to bless us with his knowledge.
As we’ve promised for month’s, and month’s we finally did it. For years you had to go threw the international line to get your hands on some of our rare products we had in stock.
Well guess what the wait is over. We finally got those exotic products into the states for the very first time. No...