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Search results

  1. zedhed

    increasing dosage frequency mid cycle

    mid-cycle I like to add in an oral to push things more
  2. zedhed

    getting weird sides on creatine?

    creatine should never be ran more then 5g a day
  3. zedhed

    sarms ostarine and nutrobal for recovery

    Don't over-complicate using sarms just use two at a time
  4. zedhed S4/andarine solutions

    Southern sarms is a trash source
  5. zedhed

    Approved Log My First Testosterone Anavar N2Guard cutting cycle Log

    be careful not to slam your estrogen too much
  6. zedhed

    Approved Log Boxcutters Diet Training Log

    I'm sure that wasn't expensive dinner huh
  7. zedhed

    how to reinforce fat loss?

    any n2bm product will help
  8. zedhed

    nutrobal appetite changes and taking advantage

    I would increase your fats and protein keep your carbs the same
  9. zedhed

    using some test cyp along with primo for mild effects, add oral?

    up no need to add an oral here just run them together
  10. zedhed misplaced my package

    misterolympia shop is a garbage source
  11. zedhed

    Are any Canadian ⚙️ websites NOT a scam?

    please use approved sources, we got plenty of options
  12. zedhed

    Domestic-Supply how does domestic supply winstrol and equipoise stack?

    you should Definitely use domestic supply with confidence, EQ and winstrol are both excellent choices :)
  13. zedhed

    Podcast Hardcore 2.0 #70 - High Concentration Injections 2024 with Para Pharma

    i don't mind high concentration if the brand is on point!
  14. zedhed

    PuritySourceLabs Get huge with ep dbol.. now on sale at puritysourcelabs

    PSL dbol is some hardcore stuff, try it out!
  15. zedhed

    Approved Log My 1st Sustanon Dbol cycle log

    looking strong man keep it up
  16. zedhed

    Doing 250mgs of 4 steroids

    i'm not a fan of 4 compounds together. its too much and confusing
  17. zedhed

    Approved Log JJs 8 week Trenbolone Enanthate - Anavar - Testosterone Cypionate cycle Log

    do some light stretching try not to aggravate it though otherwise it's going to extend the injury time to recover
  18. zedhed

    Approved Log My First Testosterone Anavar N2Guard cutting cycle Log

    any special plans for the weekend?
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