I've decided I'm gonna add mk 677 to this cycle and go with the following routine. I sleep 8-9 hours a night.
Rep Range: 6–12 reps (hypertrophy), some strength work at 4–6 reps
Rest Between Sets: 60–90 sec for hypertrophy, 2–3 min for heavy compound lifts
Progressive Overload: Increase...
Thanks for all the help brother you've gone above and beyond to reach out it's definitely appreciated. I'm glad I found y'all and the support and encouragement.
I am currently coming off a 2 month semaglutide regimen where I lost 30 lbs. I'm 42 years old and on lifelong TRT by choice. I was absent from the gym for 10 years after a 40 ft fall that left me in a wheelchair and led me to a drug relapse. I've been clean off all drugs but Kratom and anabolics...
Awesome I'll definitely check him and probably all them out in the future. I already ordered the S23 awhile back what's your thoughts on the reservation with the Test? I've ran Rad 140 before and really liked the results. I appreciate the feedback and will definitely check out the logs and post...
I appreciate the feedback. That makes sense. I'm only on 200 mg Trt dose of testosterone right now. Have labs in a week then I'm gonna hop on a cycle of 500 mg testosterone cyp and S23 with .5 anastrozole EOD. I'm wanting to start cycling every once in a while been away for 10 years just...
I live in America and was thinking about getting international shipping for a cheaper price. Is this a fairly safe option or should I stick with Domestic shipping.