I’ve done two sarm cycles but never steroids.
I’m 8% body fat 205 lbs and 6’3” and I’m 31 years old
I’m doing over 300 lbs on all my major lifts. Goal is to put on some more strength and more muscle
my initial plan was this:
anavar 50mgs a day
test cyp 500mgs total per week
then pct...
27 years old. 2nd cycle. Want to keep it 8 weeks or less.
I’m around 106kg and tall.
I’m looking to use test prop and tbol together. Its gonna be 100mgs a week of test prop and 25mgs a day of tbol. What would be your best bet for a cycle like this in terms of things to add to get more hardness...
I would like to set 3 year goals when it comes to using steroids, this is gonna be my 3rd time using them after a 10 year break
I’m currently 35 years old and I’m 5’10” 185 lbs
my question is should I set a goal of doing two cycles a year and six total over the next 3 years or should I just take...
24 years old. 5’11’’ and 167 pounds. This is my first cycle
I’ve been on my current steroid cycle for the past 5 weeks and I’m starting to get a lot of low energy.
The first few weeks I felt great but it was around week four that I started experiencing a lot of tired feeling
I’m doing test E...
this is gonna be a big cycle for me. I want to use 1000mgs a week testosterone and 800mgs a week primobolan together
this is going to be a pretty big cycle and expensive too so I want to make sure I get everything right
my theory is I should go 12 weeks and then maybe push it another 2-4 weeks...
25 years old. 5’10’’ 173 pounds and goal is to lean bulk
I’m about to start my first cycle using testosterone enanthate.
Wanted to get my Arimidex dose exactly where it needs to be so I don’t have any side effect problems or develop bitch tits.
500mgs test E is what I am planning
how much adex...