44 years old. Lean and skinny physique. Around 165 pounds and 6’1’’. maybe 7-8% body fat at most.
I’m looking to bulk up on my next run. Increasing my calories from 2500 to 3500 and gonna get my protein much higher.
my plan is this:
test cyp 500mgs a week
anadrol 50mgs a day
question on the...
whats up, 35/M/207/17% body fat
so I would like to do a quick recomposition and cutting cycle using oral steroids.
What would you recommend when it comes to best oral steroids to use?
I’ve read good things on anavar at 50mgs a day
and I’ve read good things on anadrol too.
Any picks between the 2?
32 years old 5’10” and approximately 200 lbs
I’m looking to put together a strength cycle that would really yield some good results.
The most strength I am looking to do is 315 pounds on my bench. Currently I’m at 265 pounds but I am trying hard to improve it.
The 2 steroids I am curious about...
currently I’m 48 years old and I’m 5’10” and I’m 216 lbs
I’m looking to do a cycle using testosterone and then stacking 2 orals but I’m not going to use the orals at the same time let me explain what I mean.
My plan is starting with superdrol for 4 weeks, then stopping all orals for 4 weeks...
I’m desperate to put on some bulk and strength on my next steroid cycle
my plan is doing 50mgs a day anadrol for like 5 weeks
what would you recommend I run with it for maximum gains?
I’m currently 5’9’’ and 175 pounds and around 15% body fat and 26 years old
please give me some tips
I’m looking to do a new steroid stack with 1 injectable and using two orals this time
I’m 58 years old and I’ve been using steroids for the past 25 years off and on but believe it or not I have never used 2 orals at 1 time. Goals are more strength and I’m 222 pounds
My cycle I wanted to do was...
I need help with dosing on my next bulking stack
the steroids I have in front of me:
test E
would like to run most of them as I don’t like storing steroids for long periods.
What would you suggest I run to bulk up off that list?
I’m 40 years old and I’m 5’11” and...
what is going on guys. My name is Patrick and I’m excited to run steroids. I am not the richest man out there but I would like to use something to help my cycle get better.
I’m currently 5’11” 205 lbs and around 18% body fat. 47 years old. What is an economical option besides testosterone?
I’m gonna be doing a nice mass building cycle with test and anadrol.
My initial cycle was gonna be Pretty aggressive but I changed my mind and I want to run lower dosing. But I don’t want to run really low dose where it’s not going to do me any good.
I’m thinking of doing 25mgs a day of anadrol...
gonna have to rank Purity Source labs orals as an A+ overall.
I’ve now used:
all were excellent. The superdrol gave me terrific strength that I couldn’t have imagined. The anadrol bulked me up nice. Their anavar and turinabol are great for cutting.
Try out...
What is the best way that I can get my liver numbers back where they should be?
I’m currently dealing with high AST and ALT after I did anadrol for 7 weeks.
Maybe pushed it too long I don’t know or maybe this is all normal.
So what are the best supplements that I can take to help support my...
Hi I’m currently halfway through my testosterone cycle and I’m doing 250 milligrams a week.
I’m up to 200 pounds, 6’2’’ and I am training 4x a week. I’m almost 40 years old and this is my 3rd cycle.
I’m having pretty good results and I’ve gained about seven pounds which is pretty surprising for...
I wanted to get on tren, test and anadrol but now I’m reading that wouldn’t be a smart choice because of side effects.
It seems on paper like an amazing stack so I don’t understand why it wouldn’t be a good idea.
Can you give me some advice on what I can substitute instead of anadrol?
I’m 5’6’’...
Wanted to do a bulk cycle
decided to try the GP test, GP tren and GP anadrol together
my dosing was pretty low
250mgs test, 200mgs tren and 25mgs of the anadrol
it was a great cycle for sure
I’m already up 8 pounds in 6 weeks. Now gonna stop the anadrol and keep the test and tren for another 6...
33 yrs old
155 pounds
goal is strength and mass
body fat is 10%
have room to grow
don’t want any gyno or other issues
anadrol sounds like the perfect steroid for me. This will be my 2nd cycle. First cycle was anavar and didn’t get much bulk out of it
what do you think about using it ??
Was looking to go from using pro hormones to using anadrol
50mgs a day seems like the Popular way to use it
my question is do you think that’s sufficient since I’m using a solo and would six weeks be long enough?
I’m 25 years old 5 foot 11 inches and 185 pounds
I am definitely a late bloomer I just started weight training or out two years ago
I’m currently in my mid-30s and I am 168 pounds and 5 foot 9 inches
I feel like I’ve hit a plateau and I’m not able to get any stronger
I was looking at using anadrol and testosterone
what do you think about both...
I know that anadrol is a very good DHT derivative, but it’s also good for bulking. And I know that deca is a testosterone derivative with low side effects.
Is it possible to have success stacking them together?
What if I tried 50mgs a day anadrol with 400mgs of deca?
What sort of results can I...
No way is grizzlyroids a good source
Their anadrol is horrible
I’ve been using 50mgs a day of it and not seeing any sort of differences
the last time I did it I blew up about 15 or 20 lb. this time absolutely nothing is happening there's no way this stuff is legit