ever since I moved out on my own I mostly depend on delivery service or going out to eat
I’m not cooking at home like I should be and I think it’s affecting my health and affecting my waistline
I’d have a difficult time cooking chicken seems like it spoils when it’s in the fridge and when I cook...
I’m wondering what are good options when it comes to cooking oils
I’ve been using olive oil and I’ve been using those spray oils when it comes to cooking my eggs for example but now I’m hearing that they are no good to use
can anyone educate me on the truth behind this and what do you use to...
does anyone on here have a good steak recipe for the grill?
My wife just bought me a grill for outside. Its been YEARS since I grilled and I never been a good
cook anyway
what are the secrets to cooking the perfect steak?
Evolutionary.org 467 Big episode all about cooking and dieting for the bodybuilding lifestyle.
What are your thoughts on eggs in cartons that are pasteurized vs. Eating fresh eggs from the farm ?
It is so much easier to just drink them from the carton vs. Cooking them. But is there a significant difference in nutrition from one or the other or Is it the same?