Just coming off a 10 week cycle where I feel shut down a lot.
Has anyone tried using gonadorelin during their PCT?
I am looking to try 50mcg a day for 4 weeks to help me hold more gains.
Will this be something that would work good at keeping my balls bigger or should I be using something else...
I’ve done steroids for the past 3 years off/on. Got sperm tested and my levels are showing sperm but it isn’t very high. Researching online seems like gonadorelin could be a good option for helping with this.
Would using 200mcg per week be a good dose? Or should I go higher?
I’m 44 years old and...
I’m looking to use gonadorelin for fertility help after cycle. After doing some research and talking to a couple professional bodybuilders they recommend I take this stuff post cycle. They said I should take it twice a week for about four weeks and then run a pct.
Others say you are supposed to...
48 years old, used steroids for years but want to switch to something more mild to help with physique and other benefits.
I’m going to be trying out a 4 week cycle of gonadorelin. I’m gonna divide my dosing during the day and do 100mcg 4x per day every 3 hours of so.
I’ve got some questions
If I...