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  1. J fake gw501516

    unfortunately I have some bad news. I’m using gw501516 cardarine and doing 30mgs a day of the stuff. The cycle is straight trash I’m not getting any types of benefits in fact my cardio is getting worse on this stuff. Not sure why guys are recommending their products because it’s all crap. I’ve...
  2. W fake gw501516

    A damn shame that lawlesslabsusa is selling fake gw501516 these days. I did 20 milligrams a day for 12 weeks didn’t notice any changes on their GW. I run it before and I know exactly what it’s supposed to do I did not have any fat loss and I did not experience any boost to my endurance at all it...
  3. M

    uh oh fake testosterone from

    using lawlesslabsusa ordered a few vials of test Enanthate. Gave it 3 weeks to get into my system and using 250mgs a week. Got bloods done and guess what? My total test levels came out to under 400ng/dl. That is really low. No way this stuff is legit. Very dissapointed in this as I had high...
  4. L

    ER visit thanks to

    I’m so pissed I did the Godzilla 5 sarm stack from lawlesslabsusa. its a combo of mk2866, gw501516, mk677, lgd4033, rad140. three days later I got really dizzy and fainted luckily my girlfriend was there to rush me to the hospital. Doctor said that I had a stroke and he said that it was likely...
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