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I’m 50 years old and I’m our 185 lbs and 6’1”. trying to go for a lean physique as I get older
I’m looking to do a steroid cycle for about 25 weeks
previously I’ve done up to 16 weeks with no issues with recovery as I have a really good and strong HPTA and I’m able to come back each time doing a...
Looking to put on some lean muscle mass and cut down at the same time
I’m 24 years old and I’m 5’10” and around 200 lbs
I’m excited to try sr9009, lgd4033 and rad140 together.
My stack will look like this:
sr 20mgs a day
lgd 10mgs a day
rad 15mgs a day
pct: clomid, nolva, hcg.
Is there anything...
been 3 weeks since pct
I did the standard pct of nolva, clomid and hcg
not seeing the bounce back
my total test and free test is still low
also HDL and LDL are off.
Liver values are back to normal which is good news
What supplements can I start taking to help normalize these numbers
25 years old
170 pounds
15% body fat
body fat loss
this is my full cycle:
GW 25mgs a day
SR9009 5mgs 3x per day
Nutrobal 20mgs a day bedtime
this is my full PCT:
nolva, hcg
Please tell me what you would change
these guys are clearly the best source out there. I got my package within 10 days which I could not believe. And I was able to enjoy my cycle and see the results within days. very fast service happy. communication is quick all emails get to me in 24 hours. delivery was fastest i’ve had before. i...