I’m 6 ft tall 218 lbs and my goal is to get better with cardio and endurance
I have a work-related training that I have to do and I have to pass a test where I have to run a certain amount in a certain amount of time
I’m going to be doing a 12 week cycle using rad and sr together.
What do you...
I’m 5’8” and I’m 158 lbs and around 12% body fat
Has anyone had success bulking with both gw and rad140?
Or should I consider dumping the gw and sticking with rad and another sarm instead? My friend said he bulked on gw and recommended it.
I’m looking to put together a good bulking stack using rad140 and lgd 4033
how much of each do you recommend?
I was thinking of doing 20 mg of each for 12 weeks but if I did that would I need to increase the amount of volume on doing in the weight room
I’m currently doing about 20 sets per...
Wanted to learn more about using RAD.
Heard this stuff is good for bulking, but wasn’t sure about using it for anything else.
Would you say it was good to use for a 21 year old new to this ?
I’ve been training for 2 years and currently 220 pounds and 20% body fat.
wondering if you thought my three month sarm cycle was a success or not.
I did 8 weeks of RAD + LGD. Then I finished the last 4 weeks with YK11 + S23.
Went and got tested and my body fat went from 13% to 11.5%, my body weight went from 172 to 177.
currently 24 years old. I want to make sure I...
stats: 5’9’’ 67kg, 23 years old
time for me to try out RAD and GW together
using 20mgs a day of each
my plan is using them for 8 weeks each
would you recommend I try them longer but do a lower dose? Like would 10mgs each be better for 16 weeks instead?
about 5 years ago I ran RAD for the first time. Got some really good results and was pleased with it
this time I decided to try it again and run 10mgs a day. Previously I had done only 5mgs a day
I have some questions about it
do you think my side effects will be worse at that dosage and you...
wanting to keep thing a bit simple for my first sarms cycle
Previously I have ran steroids including testosterone and deca
liked the strength increases but didn’t like all the water retention I was getting
so want to switch to something mild I can run instead with only lean gains
what would you...
21 years old
155 pounds
15% body fat
average bodybuilder. Looking to not be an average bodybuilder that’s my goal
training four times a week and one hour per session with moderate intensity
which sarms can I add for better results?
S4 + SR
I’m gonna be going on vacation in 8 weeks
want to use sarms ahead of it to build a nice beach body
what do you think about using GW, RAD, and Yk11?
My stats are 35 years old 5 foot 10 and I weigh around 200 pounds
I’m curious what you guys thought about using RAD
15mgs a day was what I was looking at but wasn’t sure
how would you add a cycle like this to TRT? I’m looking for additional muscle gains and also body fat loss
I’m 48 and I’ve been on trt for the past 3 months. They have me on 150 mg a week and...
Not enough people talk about this
did you know that RAD was designed for HRT instead of testosterone?
I was thinking of using this stuff for a year to see how I do instead of testosterone
I’m 54 years old and my test levels are not that good.
my question is what kind of dosing would you...
I believe that moderation is key even if you are using sarms
I’ve got humble stats and I’m 5’10’’ 193 pounds. 12% body fat
but I would like to push the 210-220 pounds mark
can you help me do that with sarms LGD + RAD?
Or should I try something else?
Hearing a lot of good things about rad 140 and Sr 9009. Seems to be a lot of people using these two sarms together especially those who are interested in doing a recomp
I was thinking of doing the rad 140 at 25 mg a day and then the SR 9009 at 30 milligrams a day split those
Do you think this...
I want to use lgd4033 20mgs a day and RAD together 10mgs a day
Currently 44 yrs old, 6’1’’ 80kg, completely new to sarms
Got my bloodwork checked pre cycle
I'm a bit concerned cuz my testosterone levels came in at 280 which is below normal. And my estrogen is also above normal.
is it still safe...
this will be the third time I've used sarms
I'm currently 28 years old and 216 lb with 14% body fat
I'm looking to bulk up to maybe 220 or 225 on this cycle
what is the best dosage I should do a rad 140 and yk11
it isn’t true you get angry with sarms
I have been on them for 2 weeks
been using rad140+ s23. Using 20mgs a day of each.
Not feeling any sort of anger or mood changes so far
I’m 48 years old and usually get angry on PED’s
My physique is skinny but i have some muscle on my frame
I am roughly 5’11’’ and 9% body fat
I stay lean year round
Looking to put on more size but not too much. Want to stay lean
I got options with rad140 10mgs per day. I ran it before and liked it. But want to try something else besides RAD...