Goal is to gain strength. I’m currently 180 pounds and 6’1’’. 24 years old. I’m benching around 265 pounds. Want to get over 300 for reps.
Had a question on using rad140 and s23.
My plan was 10mgs of each for 8 weeks.
wondering if it was enough to do this cycle for 8 weeks or if I should buy...
goals are recomping
5’7’’ and 218 pounds and 30 years old
sr9009 and rad140 are 2 of my favorite sarms and I’ve ran them twice before.
This time I would like to use them again but want to change up the dosing.
Previously I did them 15mgs a day each then 25mgs a day.
Should I increase the dosing...
My previous cycle was rad140 and gw501516.
Using 20mgs of each for 12 weeks.
I’m going to repeat the cycle as I had pretty good results but I would like to add a sarm to it.
Would you say I need to add something like lgd or with adding something like sr9009 make more sense?
My main goal is fat...
I’m interested in doing more of a bulk than a cut and using sarms
I’m 26 years old and I am around 158 lbs and I’m 5’11”
I know a lot of people like to use them for cutting so I’m doing something maybe a little different?
What advice can you give me on this stack?
Rad140 20mgs a day
Very interested in trying rad140 for the first time
I’ve never really used sarms in my life unless you count the fake sarms that I used that were really supplements in bottles that I took years ago
my main goal is to get a good feeling when I’m training in the gym and push myself harder
I’m 22...
hoping to see some results with a cycle like this
going to go with sr9009 and rad140 and do 15mgs each
I’m 27 years old and 260 pounds
need to lose some weight as you can probably guess by my stats. I would guess I am 25-30% body fat
any advice on dosing and how to eat on these together?
I’ve used steroids off and on for the past 10 years but this is the first time I’ve tried sarms
I’m curious to see what kind of results that I can get on this stuff
the 2 I have my eye on are sr9009 and rad140.
My cycle idea is:
sr 10mgs 2x per day
rad140 20mgs EOD
this will be an 8 week cycle...
21 years old. 133 pounds and 5’10’’.
I’ve been using rad140 at a high dose for the last 8 weeks. Was listening to youtube and got my dosing off some dudes on there. Ended up doing 100mgs a day for 8 weeks.
Got bloods pulled, doctor said RBC and hematocrit is high. Asked me if I was on some sort...
I’m looking to make a decision on which sarm to use and I’m boiling it down to a decision between using lgd and rad.
And either situation I think I’m gonna go with 15 mg a day with some gw501516
My main goal is more energy in the gym and more muscle mass.
I’m 5’9” and I’m 185 lbs and 28 years old
I’m looking to use sr9009 and rad140 together
heard both of these stack well
my only concern is how to use SR in this stack. I know I should run RAD once a day.
I’m 25 years old and I’m around 206 pounds and 24% body fat and I would like to do a recomp.
I’m looking to try sarms for the first time.
Stats are pretty modest I’m 24 years old and 155 pounds so don’t laugh but I really try hard in the gym. I’ve been training for the past nine months and I’ve already put on about 10 pounds. Want to put on more size.
A friend mentioned RAD being good...
I’m 130 pounds and 5’10’’
62 years old
I’m a smoker for years and I have trouble swallowing food. I’m having to use a walker and I’ve had a lot of muscle loss over the past few months
thinking of using sarm to help reverse the muscle wasting I’ve been experiencing
I’m not going to quit the...
Okay all, Here's the log you requested, this is my first time doing one so please bear with me and forgive any disjointed thoughts that pop up along the way.
so before I start this I feel I have to give a little explanation to some things...
I'm 6'5 292 lbs 37 years old 29.7 %bf according to...
I’m 5’10’’ and 190 pounds
cannot find any information on how to run rad140
for someone who is new to this there isn’t much help out there
seems all the advise is only for experienced
I’m only 22 years old. I want to bulk up. Would I run it 100mgs a day?
First cycle i did not do it right. I did gw cardarine and s23. I think it was fake
This time i want to try rad140 and yk11
Would 10mgs each be a good dose or should i try something else?
I’m currently 5’11’’ 215 pounds and 18% body fat
24yrs old
23 years old
187 pounds
Goal is to cut down and clean bulk
Which one work work better for me if i had to choose RAD140 or LGD4033?
I can only use one as that is all I can afford
Also would 10 weeks be good enough or i need to run them 15 weeks?
going to be doing a physique competition it's nothing major just a small one that is local that my gym is putting together. I’m currently down to 10% body fat, i want to get closer to 6 or 7%
Need sarms help.
22 years old and my father was a bodybuilder so i already got my diet and training on...
I ran sarms before in the past and they were fake so I lost confidence and using them. This time I'm going to use the sources on here which I am confident in based on the reviews I've seen
I’m looking at doing RAD140 plus 1 or 2 other sarms. My goals are cutting down though
I’m currently at...
was watching a video online and there was a guy who said that sarms are really good for boxers
he suggested that I use YK-11 and RAD140. He gave a discount code to the company he was advertising.
I'm 5 ft 9’’ and 140 pounds
what is the best dosage that I'm supposed to use with those two...
I’m 30 years old
17% body fat
Would like to trim up and gain some strength
I’ve got a plan to use lgd4033, rad140, and sr9009
do I need to take all three at the same time or do you split them up separately 3 times a day?
I usually workout in the evening after my wife comes home around 6pm