What is a good stimulate based product that can help give me a kick in the butt in the morning
coffee doesn’t do it for me I get really bad diarrhea when I’m drinking it
so I’m looking for a supplement that I can take instead
what can you give me in terms of advice?
I am 5 ft 10 and i weigh 230 lb
I want to lose about 15 lb to get leaner
what's supplement would you recommend to help me lose the weight
I don't want something that is a stimulant I don't react well to those and I've already tried them with no success
I have been experiencing some side effects to yohimbine, I'm taking it 4 times a day. I take 2 doses when I get up I take one dose before my workout and I take one of those during my workout
Dealing with anxiety and high blood pressure. I don't think I react well to it. Is there another...
so I had a question about stimulant use I know it's not the best thing to do but let's say I decide to try them for a little while, how long would it take for me to get used to taking them where they wouldn’t do anything when I work out that is a positive thing. I'm looking to boost my workouts...