5’10’’ and 232 pounds with 20% body fat and 28 years old
What do you think about doing a quick EQ and test prop cycle for 8 weeks?
I’m hoping to get some quality gains at a great price.
The eq dose I want to go with is 1000mgs a week
and test prop I am not sure. What would you dose it at in this...
I’m looking to use testosterone to help with bodybuilding goals but I wouldn’t mind some libido and erection help as well. After all I think we all agree as we get older that part of the equation doesn’t get any easier.
Anyway I am in my early 50s and I’m gonna run 300 mg of testosterone might...
haven’t seen people recommending this type of cycle but it seemed to be very popular back in the nineties
a lot of old school lifters at the gym talk about it and they love that stack for strength.
Looking to get all of the above benefits. I’m 27 years old. 5’11’’ and 193 pounds. Lean build.
I’m looking to do a moderate cycle and gain some lean muscle mass and some strength
the two steroids I’m looking to use are both equipoise and testosterone
what would you say about doing 500 mg of equipoise and 350 mg of testosterone per week for 14 weeks?
I’m currently 5’10” 200 and 216 lbs and...
I have a sneaky suspicion that my testosterone levels are not what they should be on domestic supply products.
I’m waiting to get blood work back but it’s been 8 weeks and I’m using 250 mg a week of their testosterone cyp. I’m not getting any post injection pain which also makes me suspicious...
I’m looking for some advice when it comes to increasing my strength using both testosterone and anavar.
My current stats are 5’10’’ and 216 pounds with 16% body fat approximately and I’m 27 years old.
I recently got into powerlifting and I really enjoy it but I’ve hit a plateau with how much I’m...
My next cycle is going to be mostly a cutting cycle
I’m currently 225 lbs and 6’1” and I’m 40 years old and around 12 or 13% body fat
I would like to probably put on a few pounds but I would like to cut down as much as possible
what would you say about using winstrol, testosterone, and primo...
I recently moved into my own apartment I’m 21 years old and we have a gym within the complex which I’ve been playing around in
I don’t really know what I’m doing too much but I’m learning every time I go in there and getting better I think
one of the things I think is wrong with me is my...
I’m looking to use testosterone and deca together on my next cycle
my initial plans was to go 400 mg of each per week for 12 weeks
but I’m not sure if these ratios make much sense
this is why I’m asking for your advice
I’m 5’6” 185 lbs and about 14 or 15% body fat and I’m looking to put on some...
I’m looking to do two injectable steroids on my next cycle. I’ve had experience with injectables before including testosterone and Equipoise together
I would like to stack winstrol with this stack
what are the best steroids that I can swap in as my injectables instead of doing test and EQ. I’m...
I’m 50 years old and I’m our 185 lbs and 6’1”. trying to go for a lean physique as I get older
I’m looking to do a steroid cycle for about 25 weeks
previously I’ve done up to 16 weeks with no issues with recovery as I have a really good and strong HPTA and I’m able to come back each time doing a...
hello I’m 38 years old. 5’11’’ and 188 pounds with 18% body fat.
Goal is to recomp
looking to do a simple stack of test, equipoise and anavar.
Gonna be keeping calories at a strict 200-400 calorie deficit and protein at 200g
The cycle layout is as follows
18 weeks equipoise 200mgs a week
you guys on here are amazing and I have a lot of respect for the work you guys put in. I’m looking to do a recomp stack
this will be my 3rd or 4th cycle. I’m 28 years old, 6’1’’ and 210 pounds and around 15% body fat. I want to get closer to 10% and lean up while to maintaining my size
monster steroids sold me fake test cyp. I got bloods done using 500mgs a week of it. My total testosterone came in at only 450ng/dl after 4 weeks on it. My free test is also barely within range. This stuff is underdosed/fake and who knows what they put on it.
Wasn’t gaining any libido...
I’m looking to do a simple cycle of testosterone enanthate
it’s been a couple years since I used steroids I’m getting back into it now
I’m thinking of doing 500 mg for 12 weeks. My question is how much aromasin will I need for this to be safe?
Goals are more strength and size.
I’m 40 years old...
decided to put together a special cycle for my birthday and chose geneza pharma.
Went with their equipoise, primo and test cyp.
Ran all 3 together
I had terrific gains and was able to put on several pounds of muscle along with building a lot of strength. For example my bench press went from 300...
I’m looking to do a moderate bulking stack using some testosterone and some equipoise. Dbol is also an option but I want to keep it maybe at 20 or 30mgs a day.
What would you recommend when it comes to the best cycle for me?
Should I just do 300 mg of testosterone and equipoise or should I run...
currently I’m 48 years old and I’m 5’10” and I’m 216 lbs
I’m looking to do a cycle using testosterone and then stacking 2 orals but I’m not going to use the orals at the same time let me explain what I mean.
My plan is starting with superdrol for 4 weeks, then stopping all orals for 4 weeks...
I need some help with my upcoming test cypionate and anavar cycle.
My initial blueprint is using anavar 75mgs a day. Pushing it higher and lowering the test dose down to 200mgs a week.
Do you think that is a good plan or should I switch things up a bit?
I’m 46 years old and this is my third...
I listen to the wrong people and I bulked up way too much on my last cycle. I was using test, deca and dbol. I went from about 165 pounds to 185 pounds no joke. Did not use an AI.
Now I look like a bloated fish and not happy with my look although I did get big and strong.
On my next cycle what...