included using artificial sweeteners as a fasting tool among other things like bcaas for protein synthesis.
BCAAs are the only amino acids not degraded in the liver. All other amino acids are regulated by the gut and the liver before being circulated elsewhere in the body. This means that dietary intake of BCAAs directly influences plasma levels and concentrations in muscle tissue (Layman DK 2003). Interestingly, BCAAs are burned for energy (oxidized) during exercise, so they’re also an important exercise fuel. So this poses the question…. If it can be used as fuel, can it break a fast? BCAAs, however, head directly into the bloodstream. This means that dietary intake of BCAAs directly influences plasma levels and concentrations in muscle tissue There are three BCAAs: leucine, isoleucine, and valine BCAA supplementation may reduce muscle soreness, accelerate recovery, promotes muscle protein synthesis and supports fat loss (1,2) Ketosis and Insulin Insulin’s primary purpose is to regulate the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. The digestive system breaks down carbohydrates, such as sugars and starches, into a molecule called glucose. Insulin allows cells in the body absorb glucose so your body can use it for fuel, ultimately lowering levels of glucose in the blood stream Ketosis and Insulin Ketosis will take place when the body needs energy and there is not sufficient glucose available for the body. This happens when the body is lacking insulin and blood glucose levels become high. BCAAs can Spike Insulin Studies have shown that branched-chain amino acid supplementation increases insulin levels and concentrations of FFAs Leucine, specifically, stimulates glucose uptake for up to 45 minutes (3,4) Insulin and Ketosis Study Despite there being some benefits to supplementing BCAAs, it may not be wise to do so while in a ketogenic state In one study, a man voluntarily fasted for 50 days. His ketones were high (14 mmol/l) and he was injected with insulin (around 0.1 IU/kg, so around 7-8 IU). For 30 min, his ketones and blood sugar dropped and there was a massive uptake of ketones by the brain and ketone production was halted. However, within 30 min his ketones started shooting back up In short, an insulin spike can kick you out of ketosis, albeit temporarily, as insulin clearance is seemingly fast (5) BCAAs While in Ketosis (Increase in circulating BCAAs) In one study dietary replacement of carbohydrate by fats were studied in six healthy subjects, which was preceded and followed by a 3-day period of balanced diet. During the ketogenic diet, levels of free fatty acids, glycerol and 3-hydroxybutyrate rose significantly and glucose levels decreased by 16.5 +/- 3.2% The hormonal pattern switched towards a catabolic mode with a fall in insulin levels (-44.0 +/- 6.3%) and a rise in glucagon concentration (+39.0 +/- 10.4%). The average levels of gluconeogenic amino acids (alanine, glutamine, glycine, serine and threonine) were reduced by 8-34% while those of the branched chain amino acids increased by more than 50%. Concluded that a ketogenic diet may result in an increase of circulating BCAAs within the body - so supplementing with BCAAs may be even less necessary while in ketosis (6)