I'm looking for a supplement that I can take to help me lose body fat and also gain muscle together
This is called recomping i believe
is this even possible with just using a supplement or do I need to use a hormone? I would rather stay natural for now I'm only 22 years old
I'm looking for a supplement that I can take to help me lose body fat and also gain muscle together
This is called recomping i believe
is this even possible with just using a supplement or do I need to use a hormone? I would rather stay natural for now I'm only 22 years old
Not picking on you man but at 22 you are looking for a magic pill. If it was that easy everyone would just take it to lose fat and gain muscle. The best thing you can do is get yourself lean first and then look to add clean mass over time. N2Slin will help but you have to do the work with diet and training for results.