I’ve done two sarm cycles but never steroids.
I’m 8% body fat 205 lbs and 6’3” and I’m 31 years old
I’m doing over 300 lbs on all my major lifts. Goal is to put on some more strength and more muscle
my initial plan was this:
anavar 50mgs a day
test cyp 500mgs total per week
then pct with clomid and fadogia.
Is this a good plan for what my goals are?
I’m 8% body fat 205 lbs and 6’3” and I’m 31 years old
I’m doing over 300 lbs on all my major lifts. Goal is to put on some more strength and more muscle
my initial plan was this:
anavar 50mgs a day
test cyp 500mgs total per week
then pct with clomid and fadogia.
Is this a good plan for what my goals are?