I always change pins/needles when I draw and inject.
I use 18g needle to draw the oil from the vial, then use alcohol to clean the syringe and get a 1.5" 23G needle to inject.
I always change pins/needles when I draw and inject.
I use 18g needle to draw the oil from the vial, then use alcohol to clean the syringe and get a 1.5" 23G needle to inject.
I used to use the same 18g when I was younger then realized it's not healthy.
Now I buy like a small box of 50 needles of 18g and 50 of 23G for the whole cycle and I Never reuse them.
So I don't reuse the 18G needle anymore, I always get a new one.
I draw with 18g and pin with 24-25g. I never reused needles and never leave anything uncleaned. always double clean everything even when switching pins.