Alright after coming off my 3 day fast I have been feeling great. I feel like my cardio has a great boost after coming off. I broke the fast with some fruit most pineapple but had some watermelon also. Big fruit fan here especially pineapple for the gut health and help with digestion. That...
It’s most for heart health also for the pump in the gym and the bedroom you know it never hurts to have it there either
I’d say you are correct but ive gotten out of the building phase I went through the whole wanting to look like a body builder I enjoy the more lean/smaller physique. It’s...
Thanks brother I appreciate it
Always Steve I’ve been following your fasting log for a while. I’m jealous of all of the fresh fish you get to catch/eat in Florida.
You’re correct mobster. The last is my most updated pic of my current physique.
Thank you for the kind words.
Thanks body...