I have ordered Beligas products twice now from DS. The shipping speed and communication has been flawless. I had the Oxandrolone tested by Janoshik as an unknown substance and it came back as Oxandrolone in the correct potency. Big thumbs up for DS and Beligas Pharmaceuticals.
I do occasionally substitute a curry chicken dish or some other elaborate home made meal. If I need to saute anything, I will use butter, beef tallow, or this:
The volume is identical, but obviously the weights are considerably lower. My cardio consists of 30-45 minutes of walking before every workout as a warm up. I also do HIT for 8-10 minutes on the Air Bike on Sundays. Furthermore, I hike regularly in the summer and downhill ski in the winter (I...
I don't take any fiber supplements. Intestinal biotic alpha diversity has absolutely no relation to either soluble or insoluble fiber intake. My bowel movements are very regular and I have zero gut or digestive issues.
As I described in my initial log entry, I take three of these daily:
I'm getting plenty of mono-unsaturated and saturated fats from ground beef. I don't consider non omega 3 polyunsaturated fats to be healthy if that is...
My diet is described in my initial log entry. The only machine I don't have access to that he used is a Nautilus/Medx pullover machine. I use a different machine that is inferior. The rest of the machines he used are quite common.
I lifted very heavy for most of my life. Hit my fifties and developed a bulging L4/L5 disc from deadlifting, eventually requiring a micro-discectomy. A few years later I developed a rotator cuff tear from bench press heavy single attempts. That required surgery as well and put me out of the...
If it is relevant, the following is where I am on the last set of some of the major exercises. I never attempt max lifts because I don't care and do not want to risk an injury.
Bench: 335
Incline bench: 275
Leg press: 9 45lb plates per side
Hack squat: 3 45's and 1 25 per side
Shoulder press...
I should add that my doc said he would prescribe up to 400mg per week of test Cyp with monthly blood tests but he said he can't prescribe Anavar as it might draw attention. Anavar is what I want to add to my test Cyp to start.