No work today so I got to sleep in then go to
The gym. Was really nice!
Back/Chest Stomach/Cardio
8 sets bent over barbell rows 155lbs 8/12 reps
5 sets weighted pull ups 12 to 15 reps
3 sets dumb bell rows 90lbs 8 reps
Cable pull downs with Cable rows
5 sets 8 10 reps
Flat bench 225lbs...
Bent over bar bell rows 10 sets
95lbs 2x15
135lbs 2x10
155lbs 2x8
185lbs 2x4/6 reps
135lbs 2x8 trying for 10
5x8to12 I used a 35lbs dumbbell dropped it after 3/4 reps then continued
Cable pull downs w Cable rows
5 sets 8 10 reps
Pyramid up to 45lbs...
I definitely agree. I always try and go heavy on cycle or ‘heavy for me’ it just seems like my body responds way better when I add more volume not more weight. Maybe approach heavier weight in a slower way. Thank you
I doubled up on cardio this morning that’s always a good positive thing to do! I really appreciate and enjoy all the feedback from you guys so thank you very much! Always plans on the weekend especially with 3 little ones. My daughter turns 6 also her first day of soccer meet/greet is tonight...
Kind of a bad week for the gym. Last Friday I got the vasectomy finally. So I was out of commission Fri-Tuesday.
Wednesday is shoulder day but I tried cramming 2 muscle groups together so I can at least get every muscle once last week.
Wednesday shoulders/arms/ stomach/cardio
Smith machine...