I suppose honesty is the best here. I started having health problems out of nowhere. Long story short, I felt it best to forgo added stress on my body running cycles until I could get it figured out. Turns out my ex wife was cheating toward the end of our relationship and the testing necessary...
Still plan to some day. Ran into some issues and decided to hold off until I felt I was mentally ready to put all I have into it. It is an antibiotic. I just can’t find it and it’s a very specific one that a substitute won’t do. You’ll see a log from me sooner than later. It’s been a long couple...
If this is not allowed, I’m happy to take it down. But I am desperately trying to find somewhere to order benzylpenicillin online. Anyone know of a reputable outfit?
It looks like N2BM is out of all the stuff I need. Anyone know how often they restock? And I really hate to ask this, anything else like N2Guard and N2Generate?
My abs are visible again for the first time in many years. Diet is the biggest reason why. Almost done with a long PCT off TRT and will be ready to hit it hard on a real cycle and hope with continued diet and consistency in training, I’ll earn back my 18 y/o soccer abs or better.
Did TRT for a year but ran PCT and stopped TRT. I just ordered bloods to see if I was able to get my body to produce. Post cycle I plan to run my PCT again and see if my levels can be brought up and if so, that’ll be the end of TRT. I should have tried running PCT protocol before starting TRT...
I suppose a bit. I look at all of you guys here and I feel like I’m on the smaller side. I’ve noticed a lot of dudes around where I live are pretty big. I don’t remember seeing so many jacked people on average but it seems to be more common these days. But yeah, as natural builds go I think I...
Also, I had mentioned in another post about running SARMS on this cycle. I think I’ll wait until after this one and post PCT then run a SARMS only between this one and the next.