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Approved Log Mavs "RCS" SARMS Bridge Log

Updates have been sparse for a few reasons. My knees feel like shit and I decided to ratchet down my training.

Doing a lot of mobility work and stretching. Yesterday was my first training session in ten days with “heavy” weight. I think I either have an arthritic flare up in my left knee or I torn the meniscus again.

Starting BPC-157 & TB-500again tomorrow. Praying for relief

Diet is still solid, but haven’t dropped any more weight intentionally.

BW= 214 this morning.

I’d like to hit 212 by end of the SARMS bridge in 4 weeks before my cutting cycle starts.

Got bloodwork this morning. CBC, test, estradiol & liver panel.

Last week I thought I crashed my estrogen or it dropped too low. Felt down and lethargic. Still kinda feel this way so I’m excited to see the results.

Last time I took SARMS my liver enzymes were elevated but I wasn’t taking a full dose of N2GAURD like I am now so I’m also interested to see those values as well.

I’ll post once I get the blood results.

Updates have been sparse for a few reasons. My knees feel like shit and I decided to ratchet down my training.

Doing a lot of mobility work and stretching. Yesterday was my first training session in ten days with “heavy” weight. I think I either have an arthritic flare up in my left knee or I torn the meniscus again.

Starting BPC-157 & TB-500again tomorrow. Praying for relief

Diet is still solid, but haven’t dropped any more weight intentionally.

BW= 214 this morning.

I’d like to hit 212 by end of the SARMS bridge in 4 weeks before my cutting cycle starts.

Got bloodwork this morning. CBC, test, estradiol & liver panel.

Last week I thought I crashed my estrogen or it dropped too low. Felt down and lethargic. Still kinda feel this way so I’m excited to see the results.

Last time I took SARMS my liver enzymes were elevated but I wasn’t taking a full dose of N2GAURD like I am now so I’m also interested to see those values as well.

I’ll post once I get the blood results.

@Maverick602 knees are an issue for all of us, but happy you're back :)

bpc will help with tb for sure

with your injury and inflammation expect high alt/ast body is trying to process all the inflammation via the liver

you dieting? post some diet updates some meals if you can :)
you doing bone broth? collagens?
@Maverick602 knees are an issue for all of us, but happy you're back :)

bpc will help with tb for sure

with your injury and inflammation expect high alt/ast body is trying to process all the inflammation via the liver

you dieting? post some diet updates some meals if you can :)
you doing bone broth? collagens?
A couple guys here, including Steve, talking about bone broth. What gives? Benefits and reasons behind it? Please share as I’m curious

I’ll post meal updates soon.

Never heard of elevated liver values due to knee problems. Found that interesting
Bloodwork update

Liver Enzymes elevated again. The levels are not as high as the last time I used SARMS. I was using different compounds and not taking a full dose of N2Gaurd back then. On the fence as to whether I should stop the bridge now and give my liver a rest or continue as is and hope my liver values don’t elevate more.

As a reminder, in 4 weeks I planned on a cutting cycle of Test, EQ & anavar.

I’d be interested in hearing the opinions of 45+ vets here who are more conservative on dosing.


Now…my test levels as well as my RBC & hematocrit levels are a bit perplexing to me.

As a reminder, I came off 500mg/test per week cycle 4 weeks ago. Haven’t done a test cycle in 15 years but started conservative TRT November 2022 with levels consistently around 900.

I then hit this 500mg cycle and come off going right back to my prior test dose and my level are now 684? Now it’s important to point out I drew blood the morning of my shot BEFORE I hit the pin, so theoretically my test level would be slightly lower. However can cypionate ester half life is 10-14 days I believe so it really shouldn’t be this low IMO. What gives?

I’m thinking that cycle crushed what natural test I was making and now I need a higher TRT dose. Weird.

TRT vets…what are your thoughts?

Another weird thing is my RBC & hematocrit. They are elevated but I have blood last week. How the hell is that possible?

its good you are on n2guard
it will help your #'s
make sure that you are working on your flexibility
that will increase fluid going into your joints
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