That is pretty much the point I’m at right now. No more lower back movements that engage stabilizing muscles. Which sucks because while beefing up these hams, it would be nice to do some Romanian dead’s.
I remember when I first heard “Pink is the new black.” Good times good times, some of these fellas out here make it competition between themselves! Who can wear the gayest outfit and get away with it clean! 😂😂😂😂😂
So I went ahead and used a sponsor. Ordered LGD 4033, GW 501516 & S4 from and they came in 2 days later as advertised (Badass.) I am more than likely going to create a separate thread giving my honest review of these supplements in my best Masonic Bodybuilder impression. It’s my...
Their name is Lawless labs. They have a website. They sell everything from mk677, rad140 to LGD14033. I’m interested in the LGD and am wondering how professional these sups are- Jarett Moreno (San Antonio)