So I went ahead and used a sponsor. Ordered LGD 4033, GW 501516 & S4 from and they came in 2 days later as advertised (Badass.) I am more than likely going to create a separate thread giving my honest review of these supplements in my best Masonic Bodybuilder impression. It’s my first time fuckin with Sarms, I had never dove into the necessary research until recent. I am currently running a ProHormone, which everyone on the forum seems to hate and it makes me laugh I don’t see the problem. I am getting some great gains on it regardless, I got it for the convenience with this whole COVID-19 shit going on. I want to thank the Moderators and VIP’s who are dedicated to commenting on every thread, for making a dummy like me more knowledgeable on the ins and outs of this shit, God bless the gym. Getting to the point. I have a couple questions. From my research The necessary protocols on an 8 week run of this stack goes as follows:
- LGD 4033– 10 mgs a day, for a full 8 weeks
- GW 501516– 20 mgs a day, for a full 8 weeks
- S4– 50 mgs a day for 2 weeks, if the vision sides remain dormant, up dose to 60mg for 10-15 days, coming up 10 mgs every 10 days is ok if you feel it’s necessary maxing out at 100 mgs never go higher. If not, 50 mgs a day for a full 8 weeks
- If I want 10 mgs, I fill up my glass dropper to slightly below the first line [0.25ML], if I want 20 mgs I fill up my glass dropper slightly below the second line [0.50ML]. Lastly if I want 50 mgs I fill my glass dropper to the top line [1.0ML] correct?
- Regarding the half life of S4 which is 6 hours is it normal to half the dose it two times a day?
- LGD and GW are more often taken in the morning?
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