I’m 34 y.o, 6 feet and 230 pounds. I’ve done 3 cycles in the past. (Masteron and winstrol first time). I’m 7 weeks into my cycle. Just finished taking 50mg dbol everyday for 50 days.
Currently I’m taking 30mg of anavar ed (just started after dbol), every 3 days I poke 150mg tren e, 125mg test...
Why can I not stop sleeping all day? I sleep 14 hours plus a day…I’m taking 600mg test, 300mg tren, 300mg npp and just finished my last dose of 50mg of dbol for 50 days. 1mg arimidex EOD.
I’m about to start taking masteron anavar and winstrol now my dbol has finished.
Ive gained a lot of...