I’m 6 ft tall 218 lbs and my goal is to get better with cardio and endurance
I have a work-related training that I have to do and I have to pass a test where I have to run a certain amount in a certain amount of time
I’m going to be doing a 12 week cycle using rad and sr together.
What do you...
looking to run s4 and gw501516 for 10 weeks
My current stats are pretty modest I’m 180 lbs and 6’2” 24 years old and I’ve been training for the past 4 years off and on
my plan is to be more consistent and trained 3 or 4 times a week and also do cardio
do you think that using S4 and GW at 25 mg a...
I currently have a poor lifestyle with drinking and smoking and that sort of thing
hard to really give up certain habits but I still find time to go work out I do my cardio and I do weight training
what is some advice when it comes to supplementing with poor lifestyle which supplements would...
I’m starting to train for a job working for the city and I need to get into better shape as they do test us.
I really hate cardio with a passion and I suck at it.
Hoping sarms can help me get improved with it. I’m running about a 12 minute mile right now and to pass the test I gotta get closer...
looking to use epitalon before I am going to sleep
My workouts are very long and intense and I usually go about an hour and a half or 2 hours including cardio
by the time I get home I’m ready to go into bed but it takes me a little while to fall asleep and stay asleep
I’ve heard good things on...
I’m gonna start using steroids I’m currently 24 years old. Right now my training looks like this:
Mon push
tue cardio
wed pull
thurs legs
fri abs/core
saturday cardio
sunday off.
My strength is currently pretty good. I’m pushing 300 on the bench and 380 on the squats. All natty and I weigh 230...
I’m looking to enter a growth phase
with that I would like to start doing weight training and lifting some bulk and also some Mass
my plan is doing a split like this:
day 1: legs
day 2: rest
day 3: shoulders/abs/neck
day 4: rest
day 5: back/arms/chest
day 6: cardio
day 7: rest
Anything that...
I’m looking to shred up on sarms for the summer. Want that beach body look with washboard abs. Please give me some tips on what you would recommend.
I’m 6’2’’ and 217 pounds, I’m lean everywhere except around my stomach.
Please give me a cycle that would work for me? I’m 22 years old. I train 6x...
what would you recommend I do while on sarms when it comes to cardio
I would like to get everything I can out of the stack.
I’m doing ostarine mk2866 and sr9009 and going with 25mgs each per day.
I know that the more you train the better results you’re going to get. I’m not so much looking for...
so I’m gonna be doing a new 7 day program, check it out and tell me where I can improve. My goal is more muscle and strength and staying lean
1. legs
2. cardio
3. chest and triceps
4. abs and cardio
5. back and arms
6. cardio
7. rest
overall going to try and hit atleast 22 sets per session. Any...
I absolutely hate doing cardio and when I do it I get really hot and sweaty and I just don’t have the energy to push through
I’m going to be doing some testing for a government/military job
there’s a certain endurance ability to pass the test and I will be running with a big group and I don’t...
usually when I get done with cardio I’m huffing and puffing and I definitely feel like I would like to replenish my body
what are some good supplements that you would recommend that I consume post cardio?
I’m hoping to get some hydration as well.
I ran my first 5k race last Friday and let me tell you something halfway through I was dry heaving and throwing up. It had been years since I went running like that and it was quite a challenging race for me but I had a lot of fun
some of those guys are super fast and I was really impressed. I...
what is going to be the best supplement for doing better cardio
I took some whey protein shake before my cardio and a mile into my run I have to pull over to the side and throw up
I also dry heaved several times during my run so that didn't work
anything you can advise for me?
My weight training is gonna be focused on building lean muscle mass
My splits i am planning are a 5 day split
Upper body back day 1. Upper body front day 2. Lower body day 3. And Miscellaneous day 4
Day 5 will be cardio and stretching
what do you think about this type of split for my goals??
Finished up my last sarms stack
Got 4 pounds of lean gains, strength went up, body fat went down
Did gw + yk11. Pretty interesting stack and went about 10 weeks until my bottles ran out. 10mgs of each
My next cycle i want to add more mass but not sure how to approach things.
I currently do a...
I just got into CrossFit and it's really fun but my endurance is really bad compared to the other people who have been doing it for a while now
I'm kind of tall I'm 6'5 and I weigh around 212 lb. I have some muscle mass on me but I also have a lot of body fat around my belly. I'm probably around...
Hello i am starting to change my goals and want more physique look, curious to hear what you would recommend for those of us who want to improve things overall when it comes to fasting techniques
I have a 2 part question for you
First is it best to break a fast before a big meal if you are...
I want to start increasing cardio and train for a half marathon
what sarms would work best
should I do ostarine mk2866 and nutrobal mk677 or should I do GW?
I’m 30 years old