I 42 years old
I do some yoga, weight training, and Cardio
looking for General increase in lean muscle and also fat loss
currently about 13% body fat and I weigh around 172 lb
What is the best way to use anavar oxandrolone solo. Should i do 10 weeks? 12 weeks? And what dose?
so here is the deal
I would like to do more cardio and I want to do it after my weight training session is over
I figure I could take maybe a 20-minute break take a supplement and then go do my cardio
which supplement would work best in that situation
I decided to change things up because I am moving to a new gym which has different equipment.
What do you think about this?
Monday chest and triceps
Tuesday off
Wednesday legs
Thursday cardio
Friday back and biceps
Saturday everything else I missed
Sunday rest
Which supplements work the best for weight loss?
I have the best physique with a small bone structure
Just excess fat around the belly. Heard fasted cardio works great. Would taking something help too?
I am trying a new weight lifting routine and I would like to build some muscle and get stronger
what do you think about the following a routine?
Monday upper body
Tuesday cardio
Wednesday lower body
Thursday off
Friday upper body
Saturday lower body
Sunday cardio
how many sets would I need to do...
I'm getting kind of bored at the gym so I wanted to change up my workouts a little bit
what do you think about this new setup?
Sunday bench press and military press
Monday leg day
Tuesday cardio
Wednesday shoulders and back
Thursday off
Friday arms and abs
Saturday cardio
this time of year it is brutally hot. Some days easy 110 degrees heat index. Without AC we die, I still manage to do cardio outside cause I hate treadmills but I sweat like crazy
what are the best hydrating powders I can try?
I wanted to cross check with my personal trainer put me on to see what you thought of it. Give me your honest assessment and don't pull back because I'm paying this guy $80 an hour
He has me doing leg work on monday morning
Then on tuesday we do cardio
Wednesday i am off
Thursday i do upper body...
Here is my lifting plan for next week, let me know what you would change
I’m 21 years old and new to weight training
Sunday: cardio
Monday: bench press
Tue: back
Wed: calves/ab
thurs: legs
friday: shoulders and arms
saturday : rest and some cardio
Do you guys think I am ready for winstrol?
I’m currently 28 years olds and my body fat is 7%. I do a lot of cardio almost everyday and I eat a perfect diet. I want to run winstrol to shred up more.
How much winstrol would work good for me and for how long?
I’m going to start transitioning from cardio to weights.
I have to do my cardio in the morning, no way can I do it during the day
is weight training going to be the same thing for me where I won’t want to do it late in the day?
what do you guys do when it comes to cardio because when I do cardio I seem to lose all my energy and then when I do weights I don't have any energy left it kind of sucks it out of me
should I instead do weights first then do the cardio? I'm worried if I do that I won't have energy for cardio...
what are the best ways to accelerate fat loss. Do you think it has to do with supplementation, is it diet heavy, or is it more having to do with how hard I work out and doing a lot of cardio
if it is diet-related what is the key that you look for when it comes to dieting and what food should I...
I have been dealing with a lot of pain in my foot ever since I started doing a lot of cardio and jogging. It bothers me now when I'm doing squats and when I'm doing deadlifts and putting a lot of pressure on my foot. It's like the bottom of the foot and it feels like my foot is being stretched...
Has anyone had experience with nausea from sarm's?
I have been using rad 140 and stenabolic sr9009
when I do sit before my cardio session halfway through I have to stop because my head starts spinning and I get nauseous. It's the sponsor product that is liquid. Is this normal to feel this way?
I have been using trenbolone for the past 2 years doing 12 weeks on and 12 weeks off. My gains have been great but have stalled. However I am the biggest and strongest I have ever been. The downside is my cardio has gone to crap. Is there a happy medium when it comes to tren and cardio and can I...
just wanted to make a thread and show my love 4 gw cardarine :)
I can say it's unlike anything I've ever ran before, the favorite thing is how my cardio after two weeks and improved so quickly. I can go for an hour and not even worry about drinking water I feel so good. I recommend guys give...