They have very good customer service and their products are excellent. I'm only a month into my 16 weeks cycle and I'm already extremely happy with what's happening. easier then ordering on amazon. quick transaction thanks to communication. Packaging was amazing and on point, nothing damaged at...
this is my 2nd time ordering from domestic supply
DS is top notch all around
I got anadrol, testosterone cypionate, equipoise, and dbol
anadrol was amazing, I got some major gains although the sides kicked me hard which is to be expected
I would say 50mg a day of anadrol was stronger then...
Trust these guys with your cycle
there's always a worry about using steroids that are fake or underdosed these guys are the best
Communication & Ordering process was very fast response is here
Delivery & Packaging is good nothing more needs to be said excellent
Products Ordered was dbol, test...
Dianabol seems like the perfect steroid for me
I want to Put on a lot of size
My question is how much size would be okay to put on in one cycle without getting a lot of problems with my heart.
I currently have high blood pressure. But i am skinny
Should I start off with a small dose of maybe 20...
I have been tracking my cycles and I have done 5 so far
the first was 500mg testosterone
the second was 500mg testosterone with dbol
the third was 500mg test with anavar
the fourth was 500mg test with 500mg EQ
what should I run for my next cycle based on this pattern?
I am a strength athlete and I do a lot of power lifting exercises. My goals are strength and power but I can't find much information on which wall is best to give me keepable games. I don't want to just improve my strength and then lose it all when I come off. If you had to choose between...