I’ve done two sarm cycles but never steroids.
I’m 8% body fat 205 lbs and 6’3” and I’m 31 years old
I’m doing over 300 lbs on all my major lifts. Goal is to put on some more strength and more muscle
my initial plan was this:
anavar 50mgs a day
test cyp 500mgs total per week
then pct...
Just wondering which types of supplements that I can use for my libido
I just came off my steroid cycle and now I know what people mean by libido drops because mine dropped a lot
hoping you can give me some thoughts on using something that contains fadogia to help with this.
I’ve been using lots of fadogia and it isn’t doing anything for me so far even though I’m using around 3,000 milligrams a day of this stuff alright not sure if the supplement I bought is bunk or if it’s just a low quality product.
Can you suggest to me a testosterone booster to actually works?
has anyone tried stacking beta alanine and fadogia together in the same serving?
I was thinking of using them twice a day. And using them together. I would like to increase my libido, increase my muscle mass, and also increase my strength. I figured I would take those before my workout. Do you...
What do you think about letting my girlfriend use some of my fadogia that I have on hand. Are these supplements going to be safe for them or should I try something else
her sex drive has been steadily dropping and she is in her late 30s. Is there a supplement you recommend besides just for that
least talk about supplement I should be using
what is the least talked-about supplement I should be using that no longer be on here is talking about?
I will start off by saying that my most important supplement that I use myself is fadogia. I think this stuff is awesome and it's very underrated...
What do you guys think about stacking fadogia and fenugreek together and what kind of results will I expect in the gym and in the bedroom. I am now in my thirties and my sex drive and my thirst for the gym has dropped significantly from my twenties. Do you think stacking these with help
I am going to be buying a test booster, a friend said to go buy fadogia because he said that's the best one. I'm looking at some Brands online and came across one that is 20 bucks. I'm going to get that one that's cheap. What else do I need to take with it though to get testosterone boost
I ran a 12-week cycle of testosterone at 500 mg a week. I have officially been off for 5 weeks and I am taking a post Cycle Therapy of Clomid, nolvadex, and aromasin. I'm also taking some tribulus and Fadogia. When should my numbers get back to normal in terms of testosterone levels and my liver...