Looking for the best products for penis and bedroom activities that are sold via geneza. doesn't matter if it's a drug or if it's a steroid
I'm coming off a lot of chemotherapy dealing with a health problem. The doctor pretty much said I will have to spend the rest of my life using these...
what is your opinion of geneza pharma and the AI’s that they sell?
what day be good products for me to use to help block water retention in my body or would they be good products 4 more building muscle only and I should get something like that from another place
I know that geneza pharma is what the pros use, i can tell by what i see on naspgear that the pros love the brand
my question is would it be okay for a normal guy like me who is new to steroids to use it or should I start with a cheaper and less well-known brand first and then work my way up?
looking to pick up some Trenbolone from geneza pharma
I am going to do around 300mg a week. I'm not done Trenbolone in a few years but catching up on the latest strategies to using it
Seems like running cabergoline is smart on it. how much would you run with it and how long should I run the...
What do you think about me using geneza pharma anavar and doing 100mg a day for 8 weeks?
I’m 5’9’’
170 pounds
I have been training for 2 years
this will be my second time using steroids but I want to stick to an oral this time, I am okay with a light injectable. Is geneza pharma anavar legie?
I am going to be running my first cycle and I'm going to be doing dianabol dbol cause i don’t want to use injectables
What do you think about geneza pharma dianabol ? Did you get good results on it?
My other question is what else do I need with it. If I run 15 mg a day do I need an AI
I have always wondered What the difference was between testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate
I noticed that geneza pharma sells both and they are the same price
how do I know which one to pick and what are the advantages of each. And if they are the same thing then why are they sold...
I’m going to be doing a shredder stack
I’m 82kg @5’10’’ and have done a few cycles already. My metabolism is pretty fast and I am eating well over 3000 calories a day on most days. I want to shred down and be under 10%
what do you think about this cycle?
Testosterone and Primobolan
thinking of...
I'm looking to run an oral only cycle from geneza pharma. I narrow down my choices of orals between Anadrol and Anavar. the purpose of the cycle is to get my growth phase going and start putting on some major muscle mass. What do you think are the advantages of each and which should I go with...
Anyone try geneza pharma anavar/oxandrolone? I have tried anavar a few times and it seems liked it was always fake or something else. One time I even got gyno on it so I figured it was really dbol or anadrol etc. Last time I got no results on it. What do you think about geneza anavar? Good or fake?
I am currently on testosterone replacement therapy and 46 years old. I have been doing this for the past three years and I run a dosage of around 150 mg a week. I want to blast higher amounts of testosterone. I am thinking of buying geneza brand, which test should i buy and how much should i run it?
Haven’t heard anyone talking about how good the turinabol tbol is from geneza. What if i Word to run 30 to 40 mg a day of it solo for 8 weeks do you think I can get good results. Do I need to get blood work before I start the cycle and do I need blood work during the cycle. Just looking for...
I am using 100 mg a week of geneza testosterone cypionate and I am on week 3. I went and got blood work and my testosterone levels were at 580. is this where it should be for someone like me who weighs about 200 lb, just want to make sure it is dosed right and I'm good to go
I am running my first cycle ever and I'm Geneza Pharma testosterone and deca durabolin. so far I love this cycle so much that I don't want to come off. Is there a way that I can keep it going without causing any type of problems. Right now I'm on week 14. Can I stretch it out for five more weeks...
I’m debating different geneza pharma BP brand Trenbolone to use. My dilemma is this I work a contracted job through the government and they do test us for steroids. My current job there is no testing but if I do get promoted in the next few months I would be subjected to testing. I need the tren...
I ordered a bunch of steroids off Geneza pharma website and it all arrived nicely, looks very professionally done and the packing was impeccable. My question is these vials say GP on them and they have a yellow labeling. does this mean they are the actual Geneza brand the initials threw me off
I am looking to use testosterone enanthate or testosterone propionate. I am debating between the two from geneza pharma. I have come up with 2 conflicting situations. From what I've read and if they has a longer Ester and propionate has a very short ester of only three day half life. Does this...
Hey guys I'm using Geneza pharma testosterone enanthate at 400 mg a week as my first cycle. I started the cycle at 165 lb oh, and now I'm up to 168 pounds after 3 weeks. I want to know when will I start seeing more gains, I want to gain about 20 lb on this cycle.
I noticed on the Geneza Pharma website they offered testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate. But they don't have any propionate in stock yet it says coming soon. Do you think that I can get away with using the longer ester of testosterone if I am competing or should I try another brand...