Is there a way that I can take a supplement after my meal to help lower insulin so I don’t store a bunch of body fat
I’m looking to take something maybe to help with digestion as well or slow the absorption of the food. The reason is I’m getting a lot of heartburn and I feel like it might have...
I'm looking to get some changes to my insulin levels and improve my muscular development and also help with my fat loss
I know there are some supplements out there like dextrose that can increase insulin in the body and there's some other supplements that can blunt insulin down. which...
I had a question about increasing insulin sensitivity with the use of supplementation
I know there are some supplements that can help with this. But if I was to do this wouldn't I get some side effects on days I wasn't eating enough or does that not matter?
what are the difference between using n2slin and insulin?
I have a question about using n2slin. What do you think are the differences between the two if I compared it to insulin. I know insulin is in a supplement but didn't know much about it. Can someone explain?
I’m a type 1 diabetic since i was a kid
I’ve been on insulin ever since, i don’t like medications rather just inject it
Would using sarms effect anything with my medication or my blood sugar
I've been reading online and heard that in fact it will but it depends which one you run
can you go over...
What is the difference between what insulin does to us and what n2slin does?
Are they both good for losing weight or does one make a big difference in what our gains can be?
I’m trying to lose some fat off my frame. I’m about 30% body fat. How do I use this n2slin