I started my first cycle and i chose napsgear and went with them
I got 500mgs of sustanon and have been pinning 2CC’s per week
I’m 12 weeks into cycle and already up 15 pounds, I love this stuff.
I’m also using aromasin with it and its keeping me from getting bloated.
I look amazing
Using napsgear paid off once again
I’m Getting great results on this cycle. Everyone is complimenting me at work saying that I am probably taking steroids with a smile. of course I deny it and say it's hard work in the gym lol
Gotta give credit where credit is due. Napsgear products are sensational
I had a question, i am on napsgear website and browsing what they have to offer
I came across one called nandrolone, is that the same thing as deca durabolin and what are the differences? Also what is NPP vs. deca difference, i heard NPP is not as good but wasn’t sure. I’m still learning the names
Can you guys on here explain what andromix is?
I see it being sold on napsgear and it sounds like it could be some sort of blend
I’m not quite sure how I am supposed to use it and what it does for you compared to just using a straight Trenbolone or testosterone option.
I’m 32 years old and...
Recently changed things up and decided to give NAPS a try from all the positive info on various forums. I am pleased to say that it has been a great experience and so far the gear is ON POINT!
1. Order Process / Payment / Site Navigation was very easy to me. [Bitcoin payments are the GOAT]...
Hey guys I was very hesitant to use napsgear because it was my first time ordering steroids online. I've always gotten them from a gym dealer. problem is he charges a lot of money for it so I wanted to go online and get a good deal
Napsgear took care of me. can't wait to start my cycle. very...
I decided to give napsgear a try because of their reviews
Ordered their trenbolone mix. the product looks fantastic and Flawless. I've run it for 5 weeks and my results are stunning.
getting good clean muscle gains and my strength gains are through the roof
only doing 400 mg a week
I'm looking to do a nice stack with napsgear where the products are trenbolone and nandrolone phenylpropionate NPP together
I know that it's a pretty strong stack but I think I'm ready for this as I've been using steroids for the past decade off and on
what would be the proper dosage and what...
I just want to say I'm very pleased with the quick turnaround that I'm getting with napsgear
my package gets sent out quickly. My last two packages one was over the holidays and they still got it to me in about 10 days which is super fast.
I would like to just tell them that they are 10 out of...
I got some napsgear products. Went with their alpha pharma and dragon
Lightning fast order process and shipping
Using the tcyp250 and the EQ400. Cuts way down on injections
Going to be doing 2 CC’s of each per week. So far am 4 weeks into it and already seeing a difference in the near and in the...
Just want to confirm the correct website for napsgear is napsgear dot what?
there seems to be a lot of scams right now with websites copying each other
I want to make sure when I order it from the right place. I'm looking to order a bunch of testosterone and some other stuff.
Anyone know if napsgear sells MENT or do they just stick to the main batch of steroids that are popular?
I saw a video online about MENT and the guy said it is a great steroid you should run sometime
I want to try it 200mg a week. Anything else i should get in terms of ancillary ?
hey I'm interested in buying quite a bit of steroids
can you guys link me over to the best promotions at they currently have or if there's any discount codes. I want to buy a big order so if i can save even a little that Goes a long way
I made an order for the first time with napsgear but it was a small order just to test them out to see if it was legit.
well I got my products really quick
I decided to try them again but this time do a big order over $1000. once again they got me the products quick and exactly what I ordered.
just want to let you guys know that napsgear it's good to go! I got my blood work done while on sustanon250
I'm using 500 mg a week. I got bloods done and my numbers came in over 3000. That is just where it should be. I would say this gear is dosed perfectly
going to add cardarine or osta which one?
I'm using napsgear currently and i am 10 weeks into it
I’m only doing 250mg a week of testosterone and 100mgs a day of anadrol
my results are outstanding
I’m up 10 pounds after just 3 weeks. I am barely fitting into my jeans cause my quads grew so much.
was wondering what you guys thought were the main differences between using geneza pharma and the other napsgear product brands they sell on their website?
I want the absolute best products and don’t care about price, is geneza a step ahead of them?
I was looking to try napsgear out. The truth is the last time I tried using a source I got ripped off
this time I want to use it a smart way
what are their ordering rules? In other words do they have minimum amounts you want to order if I wanted to just try a small amount?
I used napsgear.org for the 2nd time And they have great service once again
I am very happy with how fast a reply to me via email when I go on their website and I submit a ticket. I did it last night around 9 or 10 p.m. and then I woke up this morning and they had responded during the night...
I did early retirement and I'm in my 50s. and since my wife passed away I decided to sell my home and just travel the world end stay in different places. it's cool because you need a lot of people and try different gyms. But my question is will napsgear ship all over? Or do they just ship to USA?